Hey again! I just wanted to ask if you had deleted your ifunny account because I don't see you under That_Fangirl__? Thank you for your time and...I dunno what to say now so um...penguins tap dancing? (I'm awkward)

@-Never_Ending_Story- Oh I see. Well that sucks, I hope you'll be abkew to get your phone back soon :/ Glad to see someone else it awkward too c: (my friends are the same way...but they manage to know when to stop being awkward) I, on the other hand don't. It just manages to happen. Well anyway thanks for replying and if you need anything you can just send me a message cx

@_Hispanicatthedisco_ , Uh, yeah, about that... I've been grounded so I don't have my phone and I literally have to go to the library to use the computer... That's probably why. And it's okay, I'm really awkward too...