As soon as Kira pulled away, he felt really hot. His body was burning up, not that it was a bad thing but it bothered him. To the point where it was unbearable, he wanted more- he wanted to experiment more. No- it wasn't something that he wanted anymore, it was something that Nero needed now. If this was how things were going to bed now, he wanted it all, he wanted all of her and he wanted to give her all of him.
"You make it really..hard to resist you- I'm scared that someone will take all that love from me even if that wont happen... I want you more now, so If you ever get hungry, i want you to come to me, my love."
Nero said as he would lean over once more, kissing her again but this kiss was more- steamy? It was both a mix of love and lust. It was clear as day that Nero craved her, he desperately needed her now. He wanted her touch and he wanted to touch her, in a sense this was him giving her the okay to do what she wanted with him.