@-HIIKARIv OH IM SORRY I JS OPENED THE APP NOW BUT I use jp a lot more bcs it's gives WAY more keys + gems so grinding is slow for me in en:
1. Login daily - 60 gems
2. Weekly dailies - 60 gems
3. Log in character birthdays - 10 pull key
4. Buy keys from shop - 250 (10 pull key), 50 (3 keys)
5. Read vignettes - r-5 gems, sr-10 gems, ssr-15 gems
6. Do 100/1000 lessons for all characters
Getting 100 on all chars gives - 660 gems (30 each)
Getting 1000 on all chars gives - 1100 gems (50 each)
7. General missions
Exams - 10 gems
Groovied cards - 10 gems
Lvl friendship/buddy to max/10 - 10 gems
Reaching max spell lvls - 10 gems
8. Events
Do every stamp mission for a key and 20 gems
9. Story battles and rhythmics
Story battles - 10 gems
Rhythmics (finishing all of its missions) - 30 gems
10. Leveling up
Every 5 or 10 lvls - 10 gems
12. Room lvls + tokens
Rank 9 - 20 gems
Rank 20 - 1 key
Rank 30 - 1 key
Rank 40 - 1 key (exclusive to jp only atm)
For tokens it depends but they give 10 gems
11. Repeat process and strictly save for a char or two (this is just what majority of the ppl say but I literally spend mine for the octavitrio + some cards I srsly like even though it's not my favs, you don't have to follow this be free )
In total this all gives 2,050 gems and 26 keys from all I've said