
Decided. First account to improve will be trash mouth/dashiies/dcoubt


Hey brother. Got a second to talk in pms? Maybe we can come to a conclusion to this mishap? Btw its chesh. Obviously just incase you didn't know. I just wanna see if I can talk you out of this.


            You were a kid once to you know and no kid is perfect. No person is


            You know what I was like. Yeah? Just one time for no drama my brother. I MEAN- some people mAYBE. But other than the dp, spiderman and anyone's name who doesn't start with a K- if that is her- please just let them be? 


@-OfficialDoctor kids are and will be kids. I'm mentally slower but you and I talked this through once. Give them a benefit of the doubt this time. They were angry. Kids do dumb things when their angry you know? No one does makes perfect choices on the internet.


Please try and talk it out with them and not try to destroy there lives because it wont solve the drama


@-OfficialDoctor what did they do to target your friend and why?


            None of them cared about my friends life neither, all four of them targeted my one friend . Four against one. Not fair


I'm gonna create a gamoramora anon instead of this one. I know someone who's gonna love it


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Your dick friend started shit up again and blabbed in pm to dcubt/bxxttercup/dashiies/trashmouth/ilomilo back in aug 
            Told a shit load of lies that my friend forced her to apologise


            Cussing at me isn't helping anything lol and Idk who your friend is because you aren't being specific or reasonable with me . And I cant control what dcubt did because I dont talk to them really and spidey has no idea what dcubt is doing or did . So as the ppl said above , you are ignorant to what is actually going on and you are reviving drama for now reason what so ever . If you would just talk to me and tell me what you know , I can fill you in on the details . But if you wanna be a cussing at me and try to escalate everything , be my guest . 


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            You ya prick are just as shit.
            cause of you and you dick friend lilly , dcubt dragged my friend thru crap