‘teenagers’ hit 30k reads !!!!!
          	thank you all <3


@-PHOEEDOUBLEE Hi! I really liked your fanfic about TDI and I wanted to translate it. So, I ask you for the permission.
          	  But don't worry about it, I'm gonna give you the deserved credits....
          	  .... And I also want to change the "Morgan" video, backstory and more.


‘teenagers’ hit 30k reads !!!!!
          thank you all <3


@-PHOEEDOUBLEE Hi! I really liked your fanfic about TDI and I wanted to translate it. So, I ask you for the permission.
            But don't worry about it, I'm gonna give you the deserved credits....
            .... And I also want to change the "Morgan" video, backstory and more.


i’ve decided i want to try and finish ‘sweet but psycho’ and hopefully all the way to ‘total drama world tour’. 
          i’ve just been listening to the soundtrack and i  now wanna watch it again so look forward to that i guess.


Write it at your pace and don’t let mean comments effect you if you get any! Because you are talented and amazing! 


I would love that! Thank you so much!! But please don’t stress yourself over it ok? Your a wonderful writer and it would be a tragedy if you got so stressed you didn’t want to write any more 