i've finally revived this account ( this is polly - @CENTRALPERK btw! ) and it's now a account of sharing positivity and hope with one another. 
          	we are looking for admins, dm me on my main account or this one ( i'm more likely to answer on my main but either works ) and we'll take as many as possible because really, this is an account where we'll share positivity and quotes and happiness, just to make your days a bit better. 
          	i love you all <3


i've finally revived this account ( this is polly - @CENTRALPERK btw! ) and it's now a account of sharing positivity and hope with one another. 
          we are looking for admins, dm me on my main account or this one ( i'm more likely to answer on my main but either works ) and we'll take as many as possible because really, this is an account where we'll share positivity and quotes and happiness, just to make your days a bit better. 
          i love you all <3


          we are in desperate need for judges to judge one or two books for this year's Spice Offs!! you would only be required to judge 3 chapters (the beginning, middle and end) and to fill out the rubric accordingly. 
          any help would be appreciated! <33