
this message may be offensive
/ so... I'm going to make Kylers attitude a mix between Eclipse Aries, and Aquarius, bit if gets like to much... Much, and people began to dislike her character, I'll change her attitude, so if that happens, and you don't like it, just tell me, and I'll prob change her attitude. Don't just like going around saying crap like. " Ugh. I hate Kyler. She's a bitch!" Or anything like that please. That shit happens on here a lot, wether it's the admin, or anon, so please come talk to me before you go and spread crap, if you don't like her attitude


“ Annoying runt - “ Mia tilted her head giving a little pout.


            " And damn proud of it. Maybe you should be more like Titania, or Juvia? Mother likes them, especially Juvia."


            “Whoa ,, I’m not ‘That’ annoying . “ She said “ You are your mother are just alike .”


            " Yes. Just like your runt of a mother - at least that's what mother tells me?"


this message may be offensive
/ so... I'm going to make Kylers attitude a mix between Eclipse Aries, and Aquarius, bit if gets like to much... Much, and people began to dislike her character, I'll change her attitude, so if that happens, and you don't like it, just tell me, and I'll prob change her attitude. Don't just like going around saying crap like. " Ugh. I hate Kyler. She's a bitch!" Or anything like that please. That shit happens on here a lot, wether it's the admin, or anon, so please come talk to me before you go and spread crap, if you don't like her attitude