Hey guys. Author-nim here. I just want to say that I'll be on hiatus as I'm getting into university. I'll be busy after this so I hope you don't mind T_T Need to focus in class. But i won't delete the account so feel free to read my fanfictions if they're still interesting for you to read.
And other thing, I noticed my account have been a bit weird and author rasa maybe ada yang hack account author (If that's even possible) Sometimes ada draft yang author tak pernah tulis pun in inventory and in case kalau korang tengok ada fanfic2 pelik yang di-publish dari acc ni, please let me know or just ignore it.
Anddddd about my fanfics, maybe I'll continue them if I have time ^^ thanks for all the support. Author appreciate every votes and comments korang. Sorry tak dapat nak update selalu after this.
That's all for now~ Hope I can update more.
And about the hack thing, I already change the password so I hope nothing wrong happen. Goodbye ^_^