
I love interacting with you guys. You're all so silly. 


@-PokayDokay- does that mean i can leave the basement?


I have over 14 unpublished works. . . . I uhm. I gotta do some thinking.


@Soviet_Impostor Oh yeah. You got wiped out and had to do a restart. That's silly. You silly. Silly. 


@-PokayDokay-  jus like my old one that will never be seen again... *pain*


@Soviet_Impostor So many stories that you'll never see. It's crazy, ain't it?


It has come to my attention that we here at PokayDokay Enterprises are short staffed. We have had a few incidents where former staff members have gone missing or simply died from going out of our designated safe zones.
          We can not confirm they've died. It's just a hunch.
          Anywhosies. We are looking for new hires. Your job will be to simply watch, observe, and report any anomalies that may be lurking.
          There are higher ranking positions, but those aren't open to you, and I legally don't have to tell you anything more than that.
          Just don't get in our way.


But why? If Clarify isn't important, why would he need to stay? Why was he introduced in the first place if he wasn't needed? Can't I just delete him?
          Was he a character I added in just for fun? A character with no tie to the plot?
          Is he even needed for the story to progress?
          Well, yes and no. Clarify COULD disappear. However, his existence is pretty important in its own way. And without him, some questions would be unanswered, and the ending would be less satisfying. 
          I'm genuinely going through something, I've been doing this for over 4 hours. Someone help. 


@Panikolias I don't think I've used my brain this much. It hurts. I'm okie tho. Ima go eat a hot pocket. 


@-PokayDokay- did you gain an extra braincell which caused you to have an existential crisis or something because i think your recent posts i think you may have lost it


@-PokayDokay- OMG The truth is I don't know very well how to help you but I feel that Clarify is important if you think about it and I don't see it as very normal that you eliminate it because of "existential questions" it is part of the story even if you don't think about it :D


Clarify is supposed to be a minor character. 
          Clarify is supposed to be there. 
          Clarify is important despite not doing anything. 
          Clarify isn't just a filler character. 
          Clarify shouldn't be overlooked. 
          Clarify. Is. Important. 


@BestoReader Besto, you may not think you help, but most of the things that happen are inspired by things you say.


@-PokayDokay- *PokayDokay was found next day on an abandoned asylum talking about some magic Pikachu that ruined his life*


Three times. Make sure to check out the other *(schizophrenic)* rants I've gone on.
          Let's talk about Clarify. He's always just... There. For no reason. 
          He constantly leaves his brother (Claude) alone for days at a time. For what? Just to sit in someone's lap, or sit off to the side while the main story happens? Clarify isn't needed. You know who needs him? His brother.
          Claude isn't a good Pokemon, but he doesn't try to hide that fact. His love for his brother is pretty one-sided. Claude gets left alone for days. Of course, Claude can survive on his own, but being alone isn't ideal for any Pokemon, Feral or Not.
          Clarify has over 300 siblings? Where? If they existed, I'm sure Claude wouldn't be alone all the time. But he is.
          Claude doesn't know where his family is. 
          Claude doesn't like humans. 
          Claude was told to beware of humans. (By Clarify)
          Claude's only *(REAL)* interactions have been with Clarify. 
          Claude only has Clarify. Clarify knows this. 
          I feel like Game Theory. Trying to string together the story knowing damn well not even I (The creator) Knows what's gonna happen-


@-PokayDokay- ?!?! Might this mean we might see less of Clarify soon? But that's just a theory!