
I absolutely love all of your books and even subscribed to your Patreon, but reading the books on there is hard to navigate especially with the font and the way the books are formatted. 


@DamienCartie the only reason the full books are formatted incorrectly is bcuz they were not supposed to be released yet right? And then I did a poll asking everyone if I should post the books not unformatted or should I edit and format them first. Everyone voted for me to post them now like so which is why they aren’t formatted. Sorry. 


It would mean a lot to me if you guys could go follow my twitch. You don’t EVER have to watch my streams if you don’t want to or talk in them, but just the follows would mean a lot as it helps me on my path to affiliate! Thank you in advance if you choose to go follow me! But if you wanna stick around and watch the streams when I go live please do! Everyone is welcome and we do different things, listen to music, do tier lists, Play The Sims 2 & The Sims 4, and much more! I want to build a big community so if you don't mind please come follow my twitch and join when I go live! It'll mean a whooooole lot! Follow the link here https://www.twitch.tv/thatonegirljazz or click on the link in my bio to take you there! Love you guys!


Happy Black History Month everybody! In light of that, I wanted to do something! Every day this month for the full month I will be posting a chapter every day! Whether it be old books, new books, sneak peeks, spoilers, one shots, etc everyday i will be posting on Patreon. I will also be going live every single day on Twitch! In the event channel on my discord, I will put a reminder on when im about to stream which will be different times (I have no set schedule) but I really wanted to do this and felt Twitch let me be more creative and customize my streams more. I will say the content on my Twitch won't all be related to my books as that's two different things, but it will still be fun, and I will still do book-related things sometimes. If you have any suggestions on what I should do on my Twitch leave them here right under this message! Meaning, games, reactions, aux battles, tier lists, Q&A's, etc. Whatever you want to see leave them here in the comments below. Im ready guys so wish me luck!