

this message may be offensive
trigger warning my best friend passed away last week from self harm i dont know how to comprehend anything anymore. this is devastating. his mental health had been unstable in past 2 years but he was starting to get better thanks to his partner who helped him in the darkest times of his life, when even i wasn't there for him. this is so sudden i feels like an nightmare. he was in the country for completing his mandatory social services (since he wasnt "Fit" enough to be in military he was doing social services) he was so happy to complete it and return back to US to resume his studies i dont know what happened in between. the last time we talked was a month ago i feel so guilty for not making out time for us highschool is really stressful. this fucker promised me we would go travel together once i graduate, get drunk and go crazy. i can't even think straight right now. the sight of his 7 years old sister broke me the most. she will never get to see her older brother again. it really shattered me. even his partner is quite shaken up from his death. i dont know what i'll do without him. we were not just friends, we were like families. we had been friends since i was like 13. when everyone bullied me, he was there for me but now hes gone. we did middle school together, even spent two years of highschool together. i dont think ill even be able to get over his death this is unreal. ill never forget all the shit we did together- the time we got secrectly drunk, the time we dyed our hair in the bathroom and it turned out to be a disaster, late night biking- everything. i dont have someone who'd annoy me, spam my phone, steal it and message people, who'd prank call with me or go biking with me. i wouldn't hear him call me soybean ping pong every again god. i miss you big jumpy yang. life had been unfair for you, i hope you find peace at last and hey, lets be friends again in another life. lets do everything you weren't able to do it in this life. @xieyang-uwu

@-RAESUN I'm so sorry to hear that. I really wish that things didn't happen the way they did :(( Please stay strong and take care of yourself. Cherish the good memories and make him proud ❤️ If you need to talk to anyone, I'm gonna be here for you ❤️❤️

@-RAESUN xie..? i am so sorry beanie… he really did deserve the best im here for you kay?



homicide is back bitches https://www.wattpad.com/story/292895319



bro got no rights to exist and look this beautiful