Omg remember when I was on here and active 24/7


ALSO !! I might recreate/steal ideas and plots from my old books and channel them into my new stories so if you were hooked on one of my books then you might find a much better and similar version of it after I start publishing works again :^) for now I'm just writing whenever so idk when I'll post anything but I will


Why is everyone's Wattpad anniversary today like I joined like November of 2019


I dont know my exact anniversary I just know I made it in august and I missed it and I realized today so I posted about it lol


            mine is in nine days actually


I can't spell
            I made it cause I forgot my mains oassword


HI IS THIS LINK? (idk if that’s what you go by now, but i used to go by charlieeee do you remember me :D)


conther? am i spelling that right?


@soulfairies YASSS I for by conther now GELLO 