Alright, I want to level with you guys here. My life, has been absolutely insane recently and like, I just feel so tired and drained. I w a n t to write but everytime I open up Wattpad t o write everything leaves me and I just mentally groan. I’m in my senior year of high school, which is supposed to be the easiest and yet it feels like the hardest.
I’m only supposed to have 4 classes each semester but instead I’m being forced to take 6 and most of my teachers are asking for written assignments as work. I have 2/3 lessons a week per class and most want me to complete long assignments. Just about every assignment I’ve had has taken me 5+ hours to do and then to try and write? No.. I just don’t have the mental capacity. Every week, my ability to focus decreases because I just don’t have the mental power to do any of this.
It’s absolute bs…
I’ve also got family drama going on at this point, I’m actually exhausted in the middle of the day. I also have a job that takes up 6-8 hours of whatever days I work and I just…
I’m so tired.
I’m not giving up on writing but, I wanted to let you all in on what’s going on. I’m also behind so, that doesn’t help. Just, bear with me guys.