
In case anyone was wondering/scared, I unpublished all my incomplete books except my TF oneshot book due to my desire to heavily edit them. I have grown so much as a writer and I want that to reflect in my work. Im not rewriting them at all, (I’d rather die-) but I am going through and editing them strongly. 
          	Just in case you were wondering! I don’t know when they’ll be republished but I know I’m only focusing on like a book or two at a time. I do plan, or hope to, on coming back to my Oneshots but for now I need to build myself back slowly so I’ve just been focusing on Roses and Daisies! Ill try and keep my bio updated as well so you know the status of books : D


@CricketLuver Aw thanks! I believe in you!


          	  Take your time, we understand. I've been trying to do the same to my older books little by little 


You got to save all of your stories on Wattpad! KOSA is trying to delete Wattpad! You got to store them, and post them on other platforms! Spread the word to all of your followers and other authors you follow so that they'll do the same!


In case anyone was wondering/scared, I unpublished all my incomplete books except my TF oneshot book due to my desire to heavily edit them. I have grown so much as a writer and I want that to reflect in my work. Im not rewriting them at all, (I’d rather die-) but I am going through and editing them strongly. 
          Just in case you were wondering! I don’t know when they’ll be republished but I know I’m only focusing on like a book or two at a time. I do plan, or hope to, on coming back to my Oneshots but for now I need to build myself back slowly so I’ve just been focusing on Roses and Daisies! Ill try and keep my bio updated as well so you know the status of books : D


@CricketLuver Aw thanks! I believe in you!


            Take your time, we understand. I've been trying to do the same to my older books little by little 


Hey all, wanted to let you all know that I'm still here, still alive heh... It's been one rough year I will say, and it's been a lot of hard work to try and come into myself. I've grown a lot since I graduated and I'm really on my journey to find myself. I took a hard crash after I graduated, it took me 2 months just to start functioning again and until well, now really before I really started to feel *me* peeking out. I had swapped to virtual school in 10th grade and it really did me in. But my senior year I was entirely stressed out and my brain completely shut down. 
          I say all this to say that I'm still here and I plan to clean some stuff up here and revamp some of my books because I really am starting to feel the pull to writing again. It's faint, and will take some time to fan back to life but this is something that has always brought me joy. I have many books planned that I still want to do, and it may be awhile before I post but I definitely want to come back and for any of you still here, thank you. I love you all.


 Good to know you still have your passion for writing :D hope you’re doing better now you’re functioning haha


Glad to hear that your doing well! Missed ya! 


Soooo… it’s been a while hasn’t it- heh- Life’s just been… hell. I’m barely scraping by but I graduate next month which will hopefully open up a lot of time. I can’t really work until July so, I’ll be using the break to set up a schedule and revive my love for everything I’ve lost interest in. 
          At this point I’m also trying to find out my brand lol, trying to kinda make my profile aesthetic and pleasing to fit the fact I love multiple fandoms and such that are on here. 
          Anyway, wanted to let everyone know I’m very much alive and have no intention of leaving yet. Y’all stuck with me.
          Comment what you think vibez I give off-! Might help me figure out my aesthetic and brand lmao.
          Thanks for sticking with me-! It’s so awesome to see my books still getting attention, it means a lot. 


I'm sorry I've not been very active guys, I quit my job last week but somehow I keep getting my days mixed up and school is still a pain in the ass.. I still don't get it, it's my senior year give me a damn break...
          Anyway, I'm hoping to slowly start getting my life together, I'm soon to be an adult.. heh- I got a lot to do..
          I love you guys and thank you for sticking with me!


@-RK52- school is and always will be a pain… but anyway thanks for making these fragging awesome books


Your welcome RK!


Anyone know how to quell anxiety? Or help it? I mean I got all sorts of fidgets and stuff but like... I get in these modes where literally the smallest things can send me into a panic. 
          I don't know how to cope basically, and how to move past these wannabe anxiety attacks. I just freeze and begin to potentially hyperventilate...
          I know this probably isn't the best place for medical advice but, heh...


I have three suggestions:
            Pet your dog or cat either one.
            Drink a nice cup of tea.
            Or eat some chocolate.


@hedgehog4ever Oo- thank you! I'll have to keep these in mind.


@-RK52- um well a few things that help me are if there's tons of stuff stressing you out, try writing it down so it feels easier. 
            For anxiety attacks, getting fresh air cause you feel like you can't breathe. And it might sound silly but I swear this helped me calm down on my last one....pat your chest slowly and try to match your breathing with the pats. It really helps me so I hope it helps you


Alright, I want to level with you guys here. My life, has been absolutely insane recently and like, I just feel so tired and drained. I w a n t to write but everytime I open up Wattpad t o write everything leaves me and I just mentally groan. I’m in my senior year of high school, which is supposed to be the easiest and yet it feels like the hardest. 
          I’m only supposed to have 4 classes each semester but instead I’m being forced to take 6 and most of my teachers are asking for written assignments as work. I have 2/3 lessons a week per class and most want me to complete long assignments. Just about every assignment I’ve had has taken me 5+ hours to do and then to try and write? No.. I just don’t have the mental capacity. Every week, my ability to focus decreases because I just don’t have the mental power to do any of this.
          It’s absolute bs…
          I’ve also got family drama going on at this point, I’m actually exhausted in the middle of the day. I also have a job that takes up 6-8 hours of whatever days I work and I just…
          I’m so tired.
          I’m not giving up on writing but, I wanted to let you all in on what’s going on. I’m also behind so, that doesn’t help. Just, bear with me guys.


Its ok. Just focus on your work and do your best; I'm in no rush and I don't want you to be rushed. I will pray for you and I hope things turn out great for you.


this message may be offensive
Been up for 30 minutes and I already want to cry because I'm overwhelmed... can't tell if one of the girls at work is actually my friend or not at this point... making me regret working while I was still in school..
          I just can't...
          And I can't quit yet, there's only three of us...
          I just need a fucking break


Please respect my boundaries, we all have limits boundaries and morals and are entitled to our feelings and opinions. If ours don't line up I'm sorry, but don't try and force your opinion on me. I respect your feelings as long as you respect mine. I am accepting and hold no reservations but even still there are things that make me uncomfortable and if you can't respect that then that's on you. I don't judge you or your choices, please respect mine. You don't have to like them but I do expect your respect.
          Just something I wanted to put out there as I've recently gotten a little hassled. None of you guys that I know of, I love you all but I'm not going to let myself be walked all over. It's been a rough day and I just wanted to put this out there. Thank you if you took the time to read this, I appreciate you.


@-RK52- You go girl <3 
            You're nobodies carpet to walk on, you're the one in the crown  


Couldn’t of been said better WOOT WOOT BESTIE SHINE ON :333