
Sorry for the Lack of Updates! i went back to school after my summer break had Ended and have been too busy with being back at school and clubs i do but i’m going on break for two weeks soon since it’s october holidays coming up next month so i’ll try to get in a schedule for posting but the next chapter for Mystic falls love affair should be out soon and i have a Scream book coming out soon aswell trying to get a few chapters of that book done before it’s published so please bare with me for updates on the scream book coming up but if you wanna be out on a Dt list for tiktok on the scream book lemme know and i’ll put yous down 


@-RaekensLver tyy 
          	  btw i like ur story smm


@roryisthebest11 ye sure it’s raekenssluvurr.wp2 


Sorry for the Lack of Updates! i went back to school after my summer break had Ended and have been too busy with being back at school and clubs i do but i’m going on break for two weeks soon since it’s october holidays coming up next month so i’ll try to get in a schedule for posting but the next chapter for Mystic falls love affair should be out soon and i have a Scream book coming out soon aswell trying to get a few chapters of that book done before it’s published so please bare with me for updates on the scream book coming up but if you wanna be out on a Dt list for tiktok on the scream book lemme know and i’ll put yous down 


@-RaekensLver tyy 
            btw i like ur story smm


@roryisthebest11 ye sure it’s raekenssluvurr.wp2 