⭐️⭐️⭐️ Exciting New Update! ⭐️⭐️⭐️ My website is now live! I still have some things to set up on the backend, but it is fine for y'all to check out. Drop by and say hi, if you can: authormilansno.com You'll get a preview of the covers for Daevas I and Gods of Malcea~ I'll also be opening pre-orders for Daevas I around April-May, so subscribing to my newsletter will keep you in the loop of things. -Sno ❤️
@amacutebunny Thanks for dropping by and checking it out! I'm working on getting the registration and accounts set up. I should be finished with it by this weekend.
@-S-N-O- I just checked it and it is pretty cool,can I sign in am not so sure since you said you're still working on it
@puppydoglvr Thank you! I'm glad you think so. It was a lot to get it off the ground. Daevas' cover was the most challenging of the entire process, tbh!