this wattpad update ain’t it chief


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HI BABIES!! So I know I said I wouldn’t be back until summer but there’s been a change. I moved to a new school this year and they have a lot of random days with no school. Leaving me with literally nothing to do. So I thought I might be productive and update everything. Also, a shit ton of my books are gonna get changed and go through crazy editing because my books I tend not to lead it anywhere and just hover, eventually discontinuing the book. I REALLY don’t wanna discontinue any of my work since you guys seem to like my writing.  And yeah! That’s it! Great to be back! HAVE A WONDERFUL EVENING, LOVES!!   xx


⚠️⚠️ i’m gonna post ONE more chapter for each of my books and then that will be it until next summer. this is a summer app for me so during the school year i delete it to focus on my studies. i hope you guys understand. so be prepared for the updates!!  MORE UPDATES AFTER THAT: SUMMER OF 2020


if you like finn wolfhard books, follow my friend @tttrashh her writing  is literally soo good. She actually helps me with a lot of ideas for my books. She doesn’t have any books published yet but she showed me one she’s working on and it’s really really good. So follow her and stay posted for when that book comes out. You’ll love it! Especially if your a fan of mystery and comedy. CHECK HER OUT!!