[ 11:57 PM ]
          	unpublished stupid cupid but only
          	because amelie’s story will now be
          	told in my new book
          	i’ve had this idea for a while now
          	and it wouldn’t leave my head
          	so here we are :-]


[ 12:54 PM ]
          also if y’all know any 80s actresses,
          singers, and so on that i could replace 
          as my faceclaim for stupid cupid 
          pls do share because i hate using
          faceclaims that aren’t of similar


@-KAZUYA sabrina was like the ‘blueprint’ for what i wanted my oc to be. i did consider stevie nicks when i was looking for faceclaims to use but i didn’t know if she’d match either. i really appreciate the suggestions though. i’ll keep them in mind !!


sharon stone , joan jett , Kate Bush , stevie nicks & ngl probably madonna that’s all i could think idk if these girls really match the vibe tho


[ 12:52 PM ]
          it has somehow become a yearly
          thing for my brain to be made
          up of only nikki sixx for like three
          months. it’s embarrassing


@WestHamBabe this has been happening since 2019. at this point i need him like i need air


@-SIXXCVLT oh but us Nikki fans sure don't mind