I've been contemplating for a while now and I'm 100% certain I will be deleting Wattpad from today due to personal reasons. I wanted to stay on this app even when I wanted a break from writing and as you can see from the last time I updated and the last time I announced something on my board it was a long time ago. I tried writing again and even trying to read a fic but that doesn't make me feel happy anymore since I feel like I've matured a lot during the past year. there have been so many regrets while I have been on this app but we're all humans so...  I also noticed when on Wattpad especially during my final few months of actually being active my mental health declined a lot and I've been doing a lot better when I'm not thinking about Wattpad and social media. I think this will be the best choice for me so please respect my opinion. this will be my final goodbye. thank you so much for always supporting me, I'll miss every single one of you <3


I've been contemplating for a while now and I'm 100% certain I will be deleting Wattpad from today due to personal reasons. I wanted to stay on this app even when I wanted a break from writing and as you can see from the last time I updated and the last time I announced something on my board it was a long time ago. I tried writing again and even trying to read a fic but that doesn't make me feel happy anymore since I feel like I've matured a lot during the past year. there have been so many regrets while I have been on this app but we're all humans so...  I also noticed when on Wattpad especially during my final few months of actually being active my mental health declined a lot and I've been doing a lot better when I'm not thinking about Wattpad and social media. I think this will be the best choice for me so please respect my opinion. this will be my final goodbye. thank you so much for always supporting me, I'll miss every single one of you <3


I think one of the reasons I wanted to leave wattpad was because I felt no motivation to post + I couldn't find anymore good books to read but also my mental health and stress level. anyways today I was looking for seokhan seoksoo moments because I recently started stanning seventeen and found some fic. and that fic lead me to another fic which lead me to add a lot to my reason list and now for some reason I feel motivated to write (not post) and read so I don't know whether this means in back or not but I'll be somewhat active as I still am busy with school and have lots of assignments. will probably just read occasionally and answer dms.


@-SKYCITY  it’s okay I understand but I really hope for you to come back not that I am forcing you to write but I miss your books soo ~ 
            But anyways no Matter what I love you <3


okay so I haven't been properly active in what seems like months but I just wanted to clear some things up. I have come to the decision I will most likely be leaving the Wattpad community after finishing with what I have. now let me just expose myself. my books are all actually pre written. at the time I was writing emotion(less) was actually while I was posting chapters for counting. and because I always pre wrote my books I have 2 books in my drafts that I still need to post. eventhough I've already written the chapters and just need to transfer the chapter from the app I use to Wattpad it's so stressful and unmotivating for no reason. anyhow, I'll probably try to post those before leaving. the reason why I'm leaving ? it was a hard decision. I remember during the GAME and Counting era I had so much fun interracting with everyone but now idk how to feel. things have gotten more boring and forced? I found other things I love outside Wattpad so I'm going to focus on that. I just wanted to thank everyone for my experience here. I made so many good memories but for now I think this is it. you may see me every now and then commenting on books but it's highly unlikely at this point. I'm going to be leaving my profile up as well as this message so if anyone wonders where I went they can see this because I know that feeling when your favorite writer leaves without a word. I love you guys so much, thanks again <3


@-SKYCITY aww thank you soooo much T_T <3<3


@cozie_like_rosie_ I'm not 100% leaving wattpad I'm just not going to post anymore books. I'll try to check every now and then for your messages :)


            I was really hoping to be friends with you but I guess it's okay I respect your decision. I LOVE YOU TOO <3<3