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tw-ish, nightmares (they're stupid asf tho so this is meant to be funny skjdka--) all of my nightmares involve queen and i'm SCARED LMAOAO R THEY GONNA COME FOR ME- </3 they go from weird to exremely weird okok ok so once i had a dream where i was listening to queen and i was home alone and then i go out into the kitchen to see this tall mf ROBBING THE FÜQIN OVEN- YES THE OVEN- he was just taking shi out the oven like plss- second is a bit more weird,,i was walking home at night but my mum and brother were there so it was all pog and dandy, but then we pass under this sketchy ass bridge and there's this guy there in a blue tracksuit top and an ugly ass lime green headband, and he was like tying his running trainers and shi but MF WAS WEARING NO PANTS </3 so i was humming somebody to love to myself and i was at the rhythm break part thing and he started singing along i- and i was creeped tf out but i applauded him and went on my merry way- so then long story short he broke into my house later lololol last one- i was at a cousin reunion thing at like a village ass thing fsr and queen were all somehow my cousins except for fred who was a wine uncle- and everyone was saying how deaky and i looked really similar and shi lmaoo- n e wayz i was just vibing w them on the street until like really late and then everyone slowly went home except for john, and i was just about to leave and he goes "they said we looked similar so IMMA FRAME U FOR MURD3R" and i was like bISH NAH DON'T DO IT and then he just shows his bloody ass hand and goes "too late" AND TURNS OUT HE MURD3R3D BRIAN IN THE DEAD OF THE NIGHT AND ROGER WAS AN EYEWITNESS BUT HE WAS LIKE 7 SO HE TESTIFIED AGAINST ME (DOODEWOP---) BC HE THOUGHT I WAS JOHN LMFAO I-