
"   Via  (  …  )  ?  Are  you  okay  ??   "   
          a  knock  came  at  her  door  as  the  scarlet  macaw  worriedly  stood  on  the  other  side,  waiting  for  an  answer  to  come.  they  both  haven’t  been  doing  well  since…  the  recent  events  that  transpired  both  during  and  after  the  trial.


            "First person to do so." She muttered her breath once Vassago had finished talking, sighing softly as she sat up in her bed. "Door's unlocked, by the way. If you wanted to come in."


being  patient  with  her  Vassago  stood  at  the  door  while  he’d  wait  for  a  response  until  she  spoke  up.  the  scarlet  macaw  would  let  out  a  soft  sigh,  he  understood  why  she’s  far  from  being  happy.
            "   my  schedule  has  been  busy  though  I  put  some  things  aside  because  I  wanted  to  check  up  on  you,  haven’t  spoken  to  you  since  your  father’s  trial.    "


            Hearing that, Via seemed to be a little more at ease, looking back towards the door. But she made no attempt to get up from her bed or open the door. "Why are you here, then? Surely you've got royal business you need to attend to somewhere."