
Is it still bad to write about Mandela catalogue or is the thing over and Alex not problematic? Gotta know if I continue the series which sorry for the long hatius


@cadavreboy well again, it has been a while since I’ve checked on what is going on, with focusing on school and such. And again, as stated, I’m listening to what other people who have documented on the matter regards to Ven and Alex have to say. If I’m correct, Alex is 19? I don’t know if that is still considered a teenager or not, but he was 19 then. What he did was still bad but what Ven did was no different, not to be an arse about it if I sound as such. Also don’t worry, you are not a dick and from what I believe, you aren’t giving information with ill intention, you are simply informing others what you know 


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@-SarahE-   ?  he...   he  still  had  shit  going  on  w  a  minor.  the  only  reason  people   are  getting  into  controversies  is   because   of  how  badly  humanity  degraded.  i  dont  mean  to  be  a  dick   but  do   you??  fail   to  see  that??????


@cadavreboy I do believe from what I remember that Alex himself had actually responded to the doc with his own doc, debunking information. For example, the way some screenshots were taken, mainly due to the way they were cropped. If I’m correct, he’s also admitted to any mistakes that he has made. 
          	  Do keep in mind that nowadays, youtubers have slowly been getting into controversy. While commonly it is proven that controversies and accusations become the truth, some can be false, and would take the community a bit more time to pick out at whatever may be provided, along with the accused persons response. Maybe I’m wrong, I’ve been busy with school and currently rushing an art assignment, but I’ll be listening on peoples takes on the information and what they think 
          	  Unless there is a sudden second doc that I do not know about? Like if there was one posted recently thats not from march? (I think that or before then was when the document was posted.)


Is it still bad to write about Mandela catalogue or is the thing over and Alex not problematic? Gotta know if I continue the series which sorry for the long hatius


@cadavreboy well again, it has been a while since I’ve checked on what is going on, with focusing on school and such. And again, as stated, I’m listening to what other people who have documented on the matter regards to Ven and Alex have to say. If I’m correct, Alex is 19? I don’t know if that is still considered a teenager or not, but he was 19 then. What he did was still bad but what Ven did was no different, not to be an arse about it if I sound as such. Also don’t worry, you are not a dick and from what I believe, you aren’t giving information with ill intention, you are simply informing others what you know 


this message may be offensive
@-SarahE-   ?  he...   he  still  had  shit  going  on  w  a  minor.  the  only  reason  people   are  getting  into  controversies  is   because   of  how  badly  humanity  degraded.  i  dont  mean  to  be  a  dick   but  do   you??  fail   to  see  that??????


@cadavreboy I do believe from what I remember that Alex himself had actually responded to the doc with his own doc, debunking information. For example, the way some screenshots were taken, mainly due to the way they were cropped. If I’m correct, he’s also admitted to any mistakes that he has made. 
            Do keep in mind that nowadays, youtubers have slowly been getting into controversy. While commonly it is proven that controversies and accusations become the truth, some can be false, and would take the community a bit more time to pick out at whatever may be provided, along with the accused persons response. Maybe I’m wrong, I’ve been busy with school and currently rushing an art assignment, but I’ll be listening on peoples takes on the information and what they think 
            Unless there is a sudden second doc that I do not know about? Like if there was one posted recently thats not from march? (I think that or before then was when the document was posted.)


Ok another post. I haven’t been able to release anything since school and because I’m busy (or just lazy) as well as that, the volume 1 remake (yes I still need to watch that.) but I’ll update the story so it matches or is related to the events there, meaning it’s gonna be longer. 
          For those who don’t know what happened with Alex, he asked kindly on twitter before putting his foot down, setting boundaries as a content creator and an analog horror maker. Yet people have disrespected him and tried to call him out. He ended up deleting his twitter if I’m correct. But seriously? People getting angry at him for having boundaries? It’s mainly the nsfw and pro shippers, and knowing those kind of people, they don’t respect the boundaries of anyone. 
          But uh yeah, I’ll update when I can and hope you guys have a wonderful day/night!






Did I ever tell you guys that the comments YALL make and others do make me crack up from time to time, like y’all wildin ‍♀️
          (But honestly they are one thing I love hopping on and reading! I do wanna make a chapter once I do find the motivation and plan. But I’ll really try to get one out before school starts for me! If not then some time soon.)


Thanks man, I’ll see if I can have one out tonight, and hope you can have a good day AND a good easter! :]


@-SarahE- Take ur time on updating! :D(i just found ur mc book and it's amazing keep it up)


Have twitter? Come see my account! Not much would be posted but then again some odd things would be posted there. You can also talk to me via messages from there or smth. 
          @Sarinakerdraws or Sarinakerdoodles. 
          The pfp is the same as mine here. And only you guys  know I write, twitter doesn’t know abt my Wattpad acc yet. Anyways yeah!


Maybe I should of posted the announcement when I released it but uh.. the new chapter is out! Anyways yeah- 


@sprkdog that’s odd, and I’m sorry to hear this. If it doesn’t show up under the A/N chapter (That being the last till the next update) then I’m unsure of how to help 


@-SarahE- its not showing up at all for me




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Heya guys! For those who do see this, the chapter hasn’t came out because it’s still in planning. BUT. I have had a discussion with someone and decided, ‘ Fuck this, why not, let ‘em ‘. Y’all gonna gimme weapon choices on what you think will be affective to fight the arch angel with. I’ll be able to make much room for this to happen after a small visit with a character that had died and with other characters that haven’t been in the story much. Ofc some weapon choices will be given to those who you wish to accompany Y/n of. But with that said, I’ll be waiting. Heheh, Gabriel have a lot coming at them 


@-SarahE- hah I'm im super late but like you should definitely give Y/N an Axe (It would be super silly)


@Mickfromblinx2 interesting, very VERY interesting.. I’ll write that on the list


Aight, Ive read the comments on the last chapter, alot of Adams being an alternate, alright. I'll write it and plan it with a friend of mine tomorrow. Dearly sorry that I have been (MUCH) slower than before, this was due to school now being back on so chapters will come out weekly ig