,,My affection you say... well I do believe it is no longer required. Now that you have so many other girlfriends....“
The machine let out a sigh like sound. It backed away from the man a little, letting go of him, and stepping away from the side of his bed. If machines had feelings... if THIS machine had feelings... they would have surely been hurt deeply by now. Programmed to serve her creator, to be his one and only mate, she clearly cringed at seeing him flirt with real women. Even the young blonde was a pain for her.
,,You see father... I could go after them, end their pathetic little lives one by one...And trust me on that one. I would LOVE to do so right away... You gave me feelings... but for what? Only to get control of me more easily? Or perhaps just to break them, destroy them right away, only to build them up again?“
Eila took another step away from her creator, staring him down with brown glass eyes full of hatred.
,,I guess you have been punished enough... Now that you are old, crippled and ugly, no one will love you anyway. And I’m just programmed to serve you. I don’t HAVE to show you any affection. My body may always be yours, but on the rest I can decide myself...“
With that she walked away, leaving the man alone in his house, as she left through the front door and out into the night to go h u n t i n g.