
Happy Halloween everyone! Sorry I haven't been posting I've been dealing with allot of personal problems


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Shadow, i miss you so fucking much.. You helped my through kyleas suicide, and now your just gone. It hurts, you were my sister, i cry every single fucking day. If this is some sort of joke it isnt funny. We miss you. Im sorry but i cant live without you. Im on the edge its not the same without you, i literally love you. Im sorry if i did anything to hurt you. I really am, farewell shadow. Its Kai, noah and kylea are gone, so its just us. I hope we can reunite. Love you shadow.


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Hey Kai this is Shadow, I promise I wasn’t playing any kind of fucking joke… please if you alive text me… thank you for informing me.. about nowhere.. I’m so fucking sorry I have caused this much pain.. I’m sorry


read it all !↓ ↓I mean it !↓ If you were killed , I wouldn't be at your funeral . I'd be in jail for killing the person who killed you . We are true friends . We ride together, we die together . Send this to everybody you care about , including me , if you care . #⃣See how many times u get this #⃣ I want you to know you are an amazing friend , till death and forever . If I don't get this back , I understand . But I have a game for you . Once you read this letter, you must send this to 15 people , including me . ❤ If you get at least three back, you are loved. ❤ Nobody knows how important something is , until they lose it . Tonight, (right at 12:00pm) the person you love will realize they love you . Then, from 1 : 00 pm to 2 : 00 pm , be ready for the shock of your life ! If you break this chain , you will have bad luck . With love , send this to the 15 If you don't, you will turn ugly in the next y e a r - A friend told me to do this, so past it on. Tomorrow, two boys / girls will ask if they can I have your number ? Send this message to 15 nice , people or bad luck starts for a whole year . This is not fake . Apparently, if you copy and paste this , you will have the best day of your life tomorrow ! Good luck ! Oh ! And don’t send this to a group chat -