Can you please make more chapters, seasons and episodes stories of Star Wars TV Shows Series Chapters, Seasons and Episodes Stories and Star Wars Movies Episodes Titles Series Combo Set Stories soon as possible whenever you have time.
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Alright guys! My daughter is almost 5 months old now, and she's okay with not being held 24/7 and I can actually lay her down for naps without me being too exhausted to stuff as well, so I'm actually gonna be able to be active on here now! I've started to do some more writing (mainly working on continuing to rewrite a book I started rewriting before I gave birth). It's still gonna be slow, but I'm actually gonna be looking at this app now. Thanks for your patience! Stay creative!
@-SilverDust- oh my goodness my little boy was born 7 months ago take your time Merry Christmas
Can you please make more chapters, seasons and episodes stories of Star Wars TV Shows Series Chapters, Seasons and Episodes Stories and Star Wars Movies Episodes Titles Series Combo Set Stories soon as possible whenever you have time.
Alright guys! My daughter is almost 5 months old now, and she's okay with not being held 24/7 and I can actually lay her down for naps without me being too exhausted to stuff as well, so I'm actually gonna be able to be active on here now! I've started to do some more writing (mainly working on continuing to rewrite a book I started rewriting before I gave birth). It's still gonna be slow, but I'm actually gonna be looking at this app now. Thanks for your patience! Stay creative!
@-SilverDust- oh my goodness my little boy was born 7 months ago take your time Merry Christmas
Just wanted to say I love a glitch in the matrix was up tell 2am reading it before putting it down and finishing it just now
@puppy_dog45 haha, I love that my book was so good you had a hard time putting it down! In my opinion, those books tend to be the best books, so I'm glad you enjoyed it that much!
CONGRATS enjoy the your sweet child while you can until her teen years
So, on August 6th around 10pm, I went into labor and delivery because I wasn't feeling my baby move. She was perfectly healthy; her heartbeat was good. However, it was my body that threw us for a loop. They checked my blood pressure, and it was really high. I was almost to stroke levels. So after communicating with the midwives I see regularly and the ob-gyn who was going to perform my c-section on August 14th, they decided to move my c-section to right then and there. My daughter was born at 1:58 am on August 7th.
Congratulations and I hope it goes well
Hey, guys, I probably won't be on for a while. My baby girl is breech, and she needs to be head down. I'm due in 2 weeks, and today we tried a procedure to try to get her to turn head down and it didn't work. So now I have to do a c-section unless she turns head down on her own. It scares the crap out of me, and so I'm not gonna be able to focus on writing a whole lot. That or maybe I'll be able to focus on writing more just because I'll want to escape the thought that I could be taking care of a newborn two weeks from now. I'm excited, but it's still scary. I know what to do, but at the same time I don't. There's still so much that I need to learn. But yeah, I likely won't be on for several weeks, possibly a few months. Thank you for all of your support, and I'll try to get back when I can.
@-SilverDust- congratulations! I hope everything goes smoothly for you guys, you got this stay strong cuz in the end it'll all be worth it.
Y'all, I'm pretty sure I just saw the actual Optimus Prime. Semi truck with no trailer, and it was red AND blue. Normally the semi trucks I claim to be Optimus are always just red semi trucks, but this one was both colors. In the exact way I feel like Optimus would look. I would've taken a picture, but I was driving and he turned off the highway just as I saw him.
@Dominus_Prime_1990 Couldn't get a good enough look to tell. I just know that it was semi truck.
@-SilverDust- Yo I saw a Peterbuilt go by me BUT IT WAS THE FLAME PAINT! Exact replica. It was a few years ago and I happened to be riding with my mom. She still talks about how I gave her a heart attack by turning around and screaming "OH MY PRIMUS ITS OPTIMUS FREAKING PRIME"
There's a new transformers movie called rise of the beasts!!
OOOOOHHHH, I am so happy! I finally know the direction I want to take The Rise of the Valkyrie! Unfortunately, I will be deleting a few chapters, but just the last few, I believe. I don't know when I will start publishing again, it will probably be a few weeks, but I just wanted to let you guys know that I am working on it again!
Okay, so I had to delete more than a few chapters. Anything that was connected to Rebels has been deleted, as that is no longer the direction I want to take this book. There will still be slight references to Rebels here and there, until close to the end, I think. I'm still not entirely sure, but I hope you're as excited as I am!
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