lol :P even tho you’re completely gone you’re still the person i relay on to come back to idk how that works but like you were like an angel to me back then and idk you’re kinda my idol ^(((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))☆ lol i worship you on my knees and everything a god joking but whatever miss ya <3
this shit is so stupid but like you’ve been gone since forever and by the miracle of any of the higher being you come back i want to apologize for all the shit i put on you when we were younger i clearly needed help lots of it and i didn’t know i was being abused and i just came on here to dump it all on you i’m so so sorry bc i deeply really cared about you. i was just young and selfish and only thought about the release it gave me but never thought how all of it made you feel i’m so sorry and just please come back you dummy i really fricking miss you dude