
Hi everyone! I am back....I missed you all so much❤❤❤


I finished reading your Inside Out High school AU story and boy it sure was way better than I expected and so I was wondering if you could write a story which was literally the same story but with the protagonists being Anger and Disgust ( Basically everything stays the same but we see the whole story within the eyes of those two )


i followed you. i’m just wondering if you are makeing another inside out movie?  i think the new emotion  he’d bee brave ( bravery or courage)  and he’s the color orange.  so i wonder if you can add him in. beecause i fill like disney will follow the opposite react pattern.  but i want you to dare with all the inside out characters  reaction to the emoji movie.


Hi I'm Joy! Nice to meet you! I THROUGHLY enjoyed your High School story and I hope it doesn't Bother you but is it ok if I rewrote it? Don't worry your in the description 
          ! And I hope you don't mind but if u maybe could u possibly read my books? I REALLY hope I'm not forcing u or being rude! It's cool that you made me a 16 year old in ur story! I LOVE that!


@VanellopeVSchweetz97  can the inside out characters react to the new emoji movie?   beecause it’s the only other movie with emotions


Hi everybody! Since the past 5-6 months,I kind of....stopped being obsessed with Inside out and got over the fandom. I mean,don't get me wrong! I still like the movie and ship StarNerve but I just don't like it as I used to....So I might change my account's theme but keep posting Inside out or other kind of stories. I hope I didn't frustrate you....I just don't like Undertale and Inside out as much as I did. I don't know how ai manage to get fandom after fandom,but I do. Ok? So somehow I began liking SVTFOE A LOT!!!! Example? I just watched in YouTube the new episodes today....They were kind of weird but...What I mean is that I might make my acount SVTFOE or just personal/normal! Thanks for reading my long text. Pls comment what you think


Happy Summer everyone! I just saw Zootopia for the first time (super slow timing but...yeah!) and it was great. I still don't know how to feel about Junick since they're different types of animals but...it's pretty cute! Also sorry for having my books on hold for so long. I promise to continue them ASAP! :)