
Since I'm not at home, but extremely bored, I'll try and write something. F.


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Ah, this profile picture /does/ reflect who I am; a selfish, bastard who steals J.K. Rowlings characters and uses pieces of her stories to make my own bestselling novel! But most of the times, I'm Harry; utterly confused about life in general, socially awkward and always feeling like some Dark Lord* might want to kill me one day. F.
          *Dark Lord = school.


To the zero followers of my account (I've just joined this community). As you may have noticed, there's a short story on the way. It's about (you'll never guess it) Severus Snape (again, you'll never guess it), who is my favourite Harry Potter character. I haven't found the time to check the grammar and typos and the plot of my story yet, but I'll try to work on it this weekend. Patience. It'll come. Thanks. F.