
Hey everyone! I'm not actively writing anything at the moment (not even my unfinished books) and I wanted to inform you of that so that you won't be waiting for any new chapters. I'm not sure if/when I will pick up writing again. I'm terribly sorry to leave things unfinished, but I don't want to force myself to spend hours on doing something that I don't currently enjoy doing.
          	That being said, there's so many people who have been incredibly nice to me, and I wanted to thank you for that!! Your comments are very sweet and fun to read. <3


Hey! I don’t mean to rush you, but I was just wondering if you have an idea on when you’ll start writing again. I hope your doing well. Stay safe x <3


Thank you for letting us know, I really appreciate it since most authors just disappear for months or sometimes years on end. I hope you spend your time doing something you enjoy! <3


@ Cass_1204  Hi! Your message is so sweet, thank you :) I'll be very honest with you, I don't think I'll ever start writing again. There was a time in my life where I enjoyed writing fanfiction, and when it made me excited and brought me joy, but unfortunately, I've left that stage in my life. Sorry if this disappoints you, I really wish I'd have been motivated enough to at least finish the stories I'd already started. <3


Hey everyone! I'm not actively writing anything at the moment (not even my unfinished books) and I wanted to inform you of that so that you won't be waiting for any new chapters. I'm not sure if/when I will pick up writing again. I'm terribly sorry to leave things unfinished, but I don't want to force myself to spend hours on doing something that I don't currently enjoy doing.
          That being said, there's so many people who have been incredibly nice to me, and I wanted to thank you for that!! Your comments are very sweet and fun to read. <3


Hey! I don’t mean to rush you, but I was just wondering if you have an idea on when you’ll start writing again. I hope your doing well. Stay safe x <3


Thank you for letting us know, I really appreciate it since most authors just disappear for months or sometimes years on end. I hope you spend your time doing something you enjoy! <3


Hey guys! I just wanted to say thank you for the kind messages that I have been receiving lately <3 (either in comments or on my message board). I don't always respond because I am just as socially incapable online as I am in real life. But please know that your messages are seen and very much appreciated!!


@-SweetLittlePrincess are yolu going to write the second season of shadow and bone