
I feel like I can't help.
          	I want to help others, make them happy, but it's hard to put on a smile when you don't feel like smiling. 
          	I've always been known as a super high-energy, happy person. Bearly anyone I know irl, or online, besides maybe the people here, know that I hurt- 
          	I really don't like to smile when I'm feeling down.
          	But I don't want to bring the people I love and care about down. I want to keep up the "Happy all the time" thing- I don't want them to worry about me....
          	Another thing
          	After the school year is finished I won't be able to get on as  much
          	So @Colonel_Cloudy , I won't be able to do therapy because I won't know when I will be on.. Thank you for helping me out so far though <3 
          	Parentals: @Jacko-Bon-Bon and @Jacko-Chi-Chi , same goes, I won't be able to talk much with you, thank you for being nice to me<3
          	Another thing
          	I'm confused
          	So confused about all of the things.
          	I don't understand my feelings anymore.
          	I don't know how I feel towards my parents.
          	I don't know how I feel about this and that.
          	And I don't understand anything anymore, not school stuff, but feeling wise, I don't understand how I should react to this and that. I don't know I should feel about this and that...
          	I just don't know anymore...


I feel like I can't help.
          I want to help others, make them happy, but it's hard to put on a smile when you don't feel like smiling. 
          I've always been known as a super high-energy, happy person. Bearly anyone I know irl, or online, besides maybe the people here, know that I hurt- 
          I really don't like to smile when I'm feeling down.
          But I don't want to bring the people I love and care about down. I want to keep up the "Happy all the time" thing- I don't want them to worry about me....
          Another thing
          After the school year is finished I won't be able to get on as  much
          So @Colonel_Cloudy , I won't be able to do therapy because I won't know when I will be on.. Thank you for helping me out so far though <3 
          Parentals: @Jacko-Bon-Bon and @Jacko-Chi-Chi , same goes, I won't be able to talk much with you, thank you for being nice to me<3
          Another thing
          I'm confused
          So confused about all of the things.
          I don't understand my feelings anymore.
          I don't know how I feel towards my parents.
          I don't know how I feel about this and that.
          And I don't understand anything anymore, not school stuff, but feeling wise, I don't understand how I should react to this and that. I don't know I should feel about this and that...
          I just don't know anymore...


I cried myself to sleep last night. </3


I'm not sure anymore- my parents are too much... 
            Thank you for this- I think I could use a virtual hug ^^ <3


@-T1ck-T0ck- :cc
            Are u okay? Can i send you a virtual hug or can i talk to you sometime? :cc
            Hope you will alright. ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡


Thanks for the follow!! Hope you are doing okay right now but if you're not just know that you are my friend now and it would hurt me if anything bad happened to you. Have a nice rest of your day/night!


@00MoonGoddess00 Thank you, this means a lot, I'm alright currently, thank you ^^


esta mensagem pode ser ofensiva
I was finishing eating dinner, and my mom was putting away the fruit, she told me to put away my dad's iced coffee maker thing. I told her I didn't put it away because I couldn't dry it. She said "You just reach in and dry it with your hand" she hadn't let me finish what I was saying so I said "And I can't reach inside it" :T 
          She told me "Just do it-" and scowled at me.
          So I went over and got a towel, maneuvered around her cause she wouldn't fucking move, and got the dish. I took the towel and stuck my hand inside, I dried the dish. Then I got my hand fucking stuck inside. I tried to take it out and it wouldn't get out, and I was panicking more and more as I failed to take out my hand, my mom looked at me, pursing her lips in annoyance, and said "Just take your hand out" I said, "But I can't!" cause yk, I was still fucking freaking out- 
          And then when I finally got my hand out, she said "Put it up" and then started to talk with my dad. I turned to her literally 5 seconds after she told me to put it up and said "I don't know where this goes-" My mom and dad both looked at me, annoyed and my dad said "Just put it on the counter" in a ":T" kinda way..
          So I put it on the counter and sighed. 
          My mom said, "(my name) get over here!" I looked at her like 'what?!" and said, "I- what?" "Get over here!" So a scurried over there and she said "(Insert name) do you really have to be so melodramatic?" she sighed, annoyed "You know, it's really quite simple, drying dishes. You didn't have to make a big deal out of it like 'mom you're wrong', you can just do the fucking job" I paused then said
          "But I wasn't-"
          "Shut up and go away" she responded
          So I put down the towel and walked away.


Thanks, y'all<3 
            I honestly was on the verge of crying I was so mad, but then I realized that there really wasn't any point and that she'd just make me feel even worse. 
            But I'm feeling a bit better this morning, thank you<33


@-T1ck-T0ck- damn, your patient! I woulda started screaming/crying


@Jacko-ChiChi I understand.. I'm really sorry your parents pressure you like that- But you really don't have to hide your anxiety, it's harder like that. Try explaining to your dad first, and then gradually getting to your mom, or having your dad talk to your mom about it? That might get her to understand-