Ayo, i’m a classmate of Teru’s. Like they said, they won’t be back for a while. This doesn’t mean they aren’t coming back. Terushima and I have a lot of sleepovers so I can update you all about how she’s doing. Right now, I can say she’s doing just fine. A few things happened here and there but that isn’t my story to tell. Anyways, thank you all so much for your concerns about her, it really shows how much you care, the next sleepovers will be on mid March since that’s spring break, and on May 29th since we’re camping by the beach with an RV, so do expect to hear an update from me. We used to attend the same schools but that was when we were in elementary, so because we go to different schools, we used Microsoft teams to speak to each other, but that got blocked since they found out students were speaking to each other there, so we now speak on Padlet since that can’t get blocked.mAnyways, thank you very much, goodbye and have a great day/afternoon/night.