NO WAY WE’RE FINALLY GETTING AN ALBUM FROM ASHE- i’m claiming track 13 thank you very much


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ok twitter needs to chill for a second and take a step back... don’t assume anything about harry & olivia and please tpwk so so many are attacking her for literally no reason- our fandom is so toxic sometimes (also i cant with the eleanor rumors those gave me a fucking heart attack jeez)


@-THANKYOUNIALL people are also thinking that they need this pr stunt because another one is ending? but im not sure what thats about.


@olive_wolf9 exactlyyy so much of it points to being a pr stunt too like can we just not assume pls? and the articles definitely didn’t help


@-THANKYOUNIALL IKR, like they're most likely just friends. like, can't friends hold hands too? I wouldn't know cuz I've never experienced that with my friends but idk. ppl need to chill