
Hey, sorry I haven't posted. I'm actually doing exams at the moment but as soon as they are over I will focus on posting chapters of Deindividuation. Cheers folks -Elle


Hey people! I've got a book called Deindividuation that I'm working on with my friend, that is in the process of being updated. A new chapter should be out every Friday. All details are in the book description.
          Thanks for taking your time to read this - Elle 


this message may be offensive
As much as I wanna be the first on your profile msg thing, I've been beaten! 
          Just wanna say that you're an awesome writer, fucking amazing person, and I love have you in EllePuggedRage, mainly because PuggedRage sounds wrong...I'm kidding xD
          If you're ever upset, talk to us, or come see this msg, cause you're awesome x
          The bitch of the North, East, South & West,
          Rage x
          (P.S your ideas will never not be good enough, I love every single one of em;p)