
Starting to feel tempted to rewrite my first completed book on here...(Creepypasta Amusement Park) Hm....


@-Treble Please do. I’m reading it and I love it so much so far! It would be neat to see a rewrite but only if it’s something you really want to do.


Hey treble, I can’t remember but didn’t you have like a second book to creepypasta amusement park? I can remember if it was real or a fever read. Either way I was wondering if you did write it if you could dm me it or something, sorry but thanks for reading!


            Aw, I don't know how to do that. But thank you!


Aww it wasn’t cringey lmao, I thought it was good, is there anyway you could send it to me? If not it’s chill lol


@InsaneSkyler Yeah, there was a second book, but it was completely cringy, just like the original lol. 


Hey, I have a tik-tok now. Does anyone want to follow me? Lol


// HI HI HI! I don't know if you remember me at all, but I had an account a long time ago. I had oc's with the names Bee and Gerard? I just wanna see if you remember me QwQ


            ((Aw....that's okay! I hope we can rp like we used to! How are you?))


            // Yay!!! Well I'm back on here after so long, but unfortunately I deleted the account with the twins–


            ((Oh my God...I remember you!!!!))