
for once don’t make me beg, not after i’ve been so good. 


i do… but that could be because i’m such a masochist. [ he teases, a grin poking through at the sight of her fangs. his hands tracing her curves through the covers absentmindedly; he’d done this so often he knew exactly how to make those sweet sighs fall from her bloodstained lips. he chuckles softly, trying to bite back additional laughter at the question. always finding some way to get exactly what she wanted out of him. ] you know what i want… you just wanna punish my good behavior. [ he squeezes her hips tightly pretending to be upset by the question as he leans against the headboard, lips pursed in a slight pout. ] please bite me, i miss the feeling of you tearing me apart and kissing me while my blood’s still on your lips— you hurt me in a way that nobody else can. 


@wiccaanways    (  . . .  )       oh   / please / .     you    love   me   as    I    am .     [        a    cocky    smirk   fell   onto   her face ,   the   sharp   points    of   her   fangs   briefly   appearing   .    her   laugh   afterwards   was   genuine  ,   lighting   up   her   eyes   .       ]         oh   jack   ,   my   / angel /   ,     don’t   we   relish   in   the    chaos   together   ?    I’d   hardly   call   it   ‘ saint-worthy ‘  .    [       she   felt   her   breath hitch    as   the   siphoner’s   fingers   drew patterns   on   her   skin   ,    lips   parting slightly    in    surprise   at   the  action   that   pleasantly     seemed   to   set   her   skin   on    fire   .     ]     are   you   using   your   magic   right   now   to    get   what   you   want   ? . . .      [     because    it    was    working .     ]    . . .   what   do   you   want   from   me    then   ,   darling   ?    [        she   asked   innocently   as she   rested   her   chin   on   his   shoulder.     ]  


i know you do— even if it is beyond cruelty. [ the siphoner replies, smile sly and gaze lovestruck as he looks up at her. he clutches her hand pressed against his chest, kissing it softly before letting it go. his hands slipping under the cover and holding her waist, fingers drawing circles on her curves with a smile as a familiar electric tingle coursed through her body. ] that doesn’t sound like me. i’m practically a / saint. / 


do you ever think about becoming human again?


[ jack nods, smiling at her answer. he couldn’t imagine such a fate either, being without his bloodlust and demon side wouldn’t phase him; not as much as him not having his magic. just the thought of it made him look down at his hands, fingers stitching as he tries to imagine not being able to set fire to something at will or feel the rush of power course through his veins at any given moment. ] yeah, it does. i can’t imagine not being powerful— and we’ve killed so much for survival it wouldn’t feel right to not have to? i think we’ve started to enjoy it too much. 


@wiccaanways    (  . . .  )      [      the   hybrid   felt   a    little   taken   back   by   the   question .   to   be   honest    ,   she   hadn’t    thought    about    that   in   a    / very /   long time .     she   had    completely    and   utterly    embraced    her    supernatural -ness    ,    and    she   enjoyed    who   she   was   now .     being   what    she    was   now ,   a   vampire    demon ,    suited     her .      ]       I   don’t   even   remember   the person   I   / was  /     when   I   was    human   .     [        selene    rested   her fist   underneath   her   chin   thoughtfully .    ]       I   think . . .    if   I   was   back   to   being   human ,    I    wouldn’t   know   how   to   / live / .    does   that   make   sense   ? 


“ did i make them too tight for you, babe? ”


[ with the slight part of her lips, he brushes his finger over them, trying to bite back a satisfied smile. as he watched her take the blood from his finger. unfortunately he failed, unable to allow his focus to be detached and methodic like with the others; she was too beautiful— too dominant and powerful to be compared to them. as she spoke, he nods, the blade dragging down slightly yet his eyes were just on hers and her lips. ] you love it. [ he says confidently. his eyes flash black for a second as he continues plunging the dagger in and out at such a slow yet brash pace it should be agonizing. the warmth and the pleasure was starting to dwindle allowing the sizzling pain to push through— she was too quiet to him. ] i wanna see your eyes and i want you to not hold back… or i can start to. 


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@wiccaanways      (  . . .  )        [        her   teeth   clenched    ,   letting   out   a strained   breath  at the sawing   movement of the blade   ,   leaning her   head   back   against   the headboard   to support herself .   her   eyes   closed   ,   lost   in   the   overwhelming   feeling   and   the  way   the   metallic   ,    yet   sweet   scent   of   blood   hit   her   nostrils   .    fuck .   it was   getting   harder   and  harder    to hold back    her   moans .   and   honestly ,   she was   too   focused   on the   intensity   to be able to speak .   selene   bit   her   lip   hard   ,   her   eyes   snapping   back   open   to   gaze   at   him   ,    in both    wonder   and   awe   as   he   took  control .   her   heart   thudded   loudly   in   her chest   ,    and   she   attempted   to calm   the   adrenaline   that   threatened   to overtake her   .      ]         and   I’d    forgotten   how   demanding   you   can   get   .     [       she   couldn’t help    but    quip   back   ,   the   corners   of her   mouth   lifting   in   defiance .      nevertheless   ,   her   lips parted    as   instructed ,   raising   her   eyebrow   as   he   hovered    his   hand   close   to    her   sharp   features .      ] 


mhm… i just, [ he lets out a soft sigh as he pulls away from her, cutting in a saw motion against her, the blade going in then out slowly— wanting her to feel every bit of tension caused by breaking skin ] love it when you call me that. [ his voice is low and quiet, his smile replaced by concentration and ever present smugness. at her words, he drags the blade up roughly, biting down on his lip, watching her reactions. the quickness of her breathing and the way her heart sounded like it could jump out of her chest— she looked so beautiful when she was overwhelmed, he’d somehow forgotten that. ] i forgot how / bold / you get when you’re like this— that’s alright, i love a challenge. [ he pulls the blade out, his finger gliding along the side to collect blood off of it. he brings it to her lips. ] / open. / 


dance with me, i’ve gotten better. 


i can always make up for my inaction now… if you let me. [ he hums softly, in suggestion as his hand slides down her leg. stepping back slightly, his leg trails behind him in a circular motion. a brow raises as he steps back up, shrugging carelessly with a slight downturn of his lip. ] only a little… [ he says softly, his head tilts, following against her touch as she lines his jawline, unable to stop himself from smiling into her gentle kisses. ] i love you too… til my dying breath. 


@wiccaanways    (  . . .  )     [       selene    felt   utterly   peaceful ,   her   eyes   closing    as   she   felt   him   kissing   her neck .   she   inhaled   softly   ,   completely   relaxed   in his hold .      ]      mhm . . .    if   I had   known   you   were   watching   that    day ,   maybe   I  would   have   put   on more   of   a   show—         [     a   surprised   laugh  escaped   her  as he   spun   her   to   face him   again   to   the rhythm   of   the   music ,    her   eyes twinkling   in   admiration as   they   flitted    over   his   sharp   features.     ]    look   at   you .   have   you    been    practicing ?     . . .        careful ,   or   you’ll  sweep    me   off   my   feet .      [     the   hybrid    teased  ,  before   she   smiled ,  closing   the   short  gap   between   them  .   she   pressed   her   lips   against   his   gently  as her   fingers   rested against   his   jaw .   ]      well    good .    because   I   love   you   ,    jack    langdon    and     I     don’t   care   how   many   times   I   have   to   say it . 


[ his eyes close for a moment, enjoying the feeling of her body against him. he could feel the tension starting to release from his shoulders, a kind so permanent that he didn’t even realize it was there. his lips start trailing soft kisses against her neck, she could probably feel his smile as he thought about that image of her again. ] i didn’t wanna tell you… you were so calm. [ he steps out of her hold, pulling her forward with ease, his feet stepping rhythmically to the music as he has her face to face again. there was a confidence in his eyes at the move, as if subtly wanting her to notice. his face softens at her words. ] i feel the same way— you made me feel like i actually deserved love… it’s new for me. i could get used to it. 


do you have a minute? there’s something i need to tell you… something i should’ve done a lot sooner.
          / i think i might’ve accidentally deleted it this morning and forgot, so sorry! :,( 


@wiccaanways    (  . . .  )     [     selene   clenched     her    jaw    .   she     wasn’t    angry at    jack    —     she    was    angry    at    the situation    that    he    was    once    again    placed    in .   it   wasn’t    fair .      ]      / don’t / .         [       she    cut    him    off    as her    name trailed from    his    lips ,   knowing exactly what    he was    going    to say .     ]       i    wasn’t    asking  .   you    can’t    honestly   expect    me    to    willingly    stay    here   and   hope    you    come    back    in    one   piece .    I’m     coming    with    you .        [       she   repeated    ,   her    eyes closing   briefly   as he kissed    her   forehead ,   an   unspoken    tenderness    between    them .         ]        and    if   it    / doesn’t  /  work ?    you’ll   be   trapped in hell   with   him   / again / .   he’ll make    it    worse   for    you    and    I’ll    likely never   see    you   again .   


[ chewing on the inside of his cheek, his head shakes once more at her offer. the idea of her being back there after everything she did making his stomach sink. he leans forward, gently kissing her forehead with a sigh. ] selene… [ he says softly, pulling away to meet her eyes, he takes her hand pressed against his face, kissing her skin again. an unspoken apology for him leaving. ] i can’t drag you into this… and i’m not gonna be gone forever. this / will / work. 


@wiccaanways      (  . . .  )       [       no . . .     she couldn’t    let    him    do    this .   not    after everything .     but    selene    knew    he’d    never    forgive    her    if    she    let    her    own selfishness    risk    his    child’s    life—    his   / child / .    she    still couldn’t    believe it .        ]      I’m    coming    with    you .    I’ll    help    you trap    him .        [          she    stated     firmly    ,   searching     his    eyes    as   her    thumbs    stroked    his    cheeks   .   her   throat    felt   dry   - -      this    felt    an    awful    lot    like a goodbye     ,    and    she    wouldn’t    have that .         ]      you    need     all    the    help you can    get .   


i’m not hurt, i promise. i just— i just want you.


[ adjusting himself, he rests beside her, head resting on hers that was so comfortably lain on his shoulder. the shaking stops and he can feel himself start to breath again. he’d dreamt of losing her before but it was often non violent yet devastating— this felt almost foreboding to him and he didn’t know why. nevertheless he could feel the images in his mind fade the more he thought about it. a smile curves his lips, the fire in his eyes awakening. ] and what a miserable fate that is. [ he kisses her forehead softly ] can we just sit here until the sun rises?


@wiccaanways      (  . . .  )       [          her brows furrowed      slightly at      his explanation .    she had     never heard    of what he      was describing   before .    then again ,     it had just been a nightmare , hadnt it ?     she sucked in a breath ,    calming her breathing so that     he could mimic her   .        ]          it wasn’t real     ,      darling .     I promise ,    I’m safe .    and I don’t plan on leaving you any time soon . . .     you’re   stuck with me I’m afraid ,     my love .      [         she teased softly    .     her head    lifted away from his forehead ,   instead    ,     leaning on      his shoulder    ,    wrapping her arms around him into a loving embrace .    one of her     hands gently ran through his hair    as she pressed a kiss to his jaw   ,    laying with him .        ]         why don’t you     take one of     those sleeping draughts     ?     you should    rest . 


you were gone… something– a force was eating away at you and i couldn’t do anything to stop it. [ his hand instinctively tugs on her shirt, the beating of her heart against his palm easing his worries. he breaths alongside her, feeling the heaviness in his chest start to lift ] i can’t go back to sleep now… just stay with me please. [ his tense hand relaxes against her, still feeling like he needed to feel her.  ]


why… why don’t you want me to come with you? 


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the man couldn’t help but lean into her touch, lips pursing to the side as he tried to stifle a quivering sigh. instead his nostrils flare, stress weighing down his brows even while meeting her gaze. her wide eyes held a similar weight but one that was kind— somehow that felt worse than anger. here she was, holding him and trying to reassure him of his paralyzing fear and he could barely breath. his head was pounding and his words he could barely speak where caught in his throat, making him choke. 
            “ how…” he sighs, breathing carefully in attempts to not cry like the wreck that he was. “ how am i supposed to have faith in him? how… how would i know if you’re okay down there if i can’t— ” stopping himself, his hand gently holds her arm as she holds herself against him. 
            his eyes close as he listens to her words, he smiles at the revelation. this time, his deep breath was one of relief. somehow her continued courage made him feel more at ease. he pulls away, still close. “ fuck babe, i’m sorry… this isn’t about / me /. i love you so much. ”


             I know      what I said    . . .      and I’m sorry that I lied to you .         but I’ll be fine .      this isn’t about a lack of faith      in you .   it’s about a lack of trust in / him / .     [          selene explained    ,      one of her hands catching his chin gently and slowly    turning his head ,    so that he’d look at her .      she needed to / see /    him before she left   - -      she would regret it if she didn’t .           ]       hmm ..      you know where that     ‘ shady ‘ witch is now    ?     dead .     the amount of       energy and power it took to harness    what I needed    from him ,    even with my ring     ,      killed him .     now I / know / you are powerful ,     but I would / not / have subjected you   to that fate . . .    you are / not / useless    .       I just couldn’t risk     your destruction .        
                       [        the hybrid paused for a moment ,    her forehead resting upon   his as her eyes closed   ,    thumb stroking his cheek   , taking in a sharp inhale    ,     before speaking words she didn’t think she had ever     outright admitted before        .   ]          I can’t lose you   . . .    I thought I was going to lose you the last time    you faced the devil ,    when you had to go through so much pain and torment    just      to erase a memory . . .          I have / no one / else     and I love / you /  .     maybe it’s selfish of me ,     but if it   means  I have to keep you here to keep you safe ,    then I will .    


these last few days felt quiet between the two, it felt strange and almost cold alone when she’d be off getting the souls and jack would come home with the drapes still closed– the darkness settling in. in spite of this, the one thing he wanted was the chance to be with her before the ferry left just to make sure that she was okay– to look lucifer in the eyes one last time. that last part had been his pride talking but he didn’t care. as her hands hold his face, he couldn’t help but look away, glancing to the side as his teeth tug at the inside of his cheek. “ you told me that i would be able to hold your hand before you got on the ferry… i mean that’s what you said– ” 
            his voice nearly breaks, the softness of it turning into a whisper and his glassy eyes glance back at hers feeling stupid and weak for his reaction. he’d gotten in his own head too much, the unanswered questions making him build his own hypotheticals. “ and then you told me that i could help you— but then you make some shady deal with another witch. i– i– it’s like you think i’m useless or— or made of glass or something and you have to make these decisions for me. ” his hand reaches up, holding it against his face as he desperately runs his fingers over her knuckles. “ please let me go with you… / please. / ” 


“ welcome back, selene. for your sake i hope you delivered on the deal. ”


            don’t   apologise .     I didn’t come here for this .    I came here because we have a bargain   to be upheld .           [              they were     going on the ferry to hell .     she didn’t want to be       having an unnecessary      conversation with him .     especially one where      he feigned pity .     her blood red lips     curled     slightly   ,    fangs briefly peeking out    and she shook her head    .        ]           oh   I very much     didn’t mind the bloodshed .       he was     more     annoyed    I didn’t     keep him updated      with      the plan .    [       that was partly true .     ]        do    you have    anyone loyal     enough for  you    to experience      said      betrayal    ?       [         the dark haired woman     asked   ,     raising her eyebrow     ,     as her sharp chin jutted up ,     not tearing her eyes away from      the side of the ferry .   finally ,    selene would look over at him ,      eyeing  him        warily .     important terms ?       their agreement had         been simple ,    hadn’t it    ?      she couldn’t help her skepticism .     a low chuckle left her as her back straightened      .        ]           you asked for     powerful souls .     you have what you wanted .    and please ,    you and I both    know that / no one /    is entirely innocent .      where’s the fun in that ?        [         she   hummed    pointedly ,      shooting him a   look as she leaned her arms on the railing of the ferry .    though she would  soon     take a step     back when the    ferry started to sink       ,      feeling the     familiar    unbearably    hot      air   hit her skin .       ]         I    certainly haven’t missed this . 


with a hum, his expression softens only slightly, hearing her explain the siphoner’s absence. it didn’t make sense to him but if he pried it obviously enough she wouldn’t say anything to hjm and be couldn’t have that. nodding to the ferrymen he starts to steer across the lake, taking a moment of silence. “ for starters,  i’m very sorry that jack couldn’t accept what you had to do, considering he’d done worse in his time gathering souls for me. i can’t imagine what it’s like to feel that level of… betrayal. ” he turns to her as he tries to find that word, his voice nearly concerned as it confused him all the same. “ but the contract will be in the throne room, i have highlighted the most important terms and any questions you have will be answered / after / i weigh those souls and for your sake i hope they’re not entirely innocent or they will have no place in hell. ” as he spoke, his softness started to leave and the warning took over. the ferry starts to go down into the lake, appearing like it was gonna submerge them in water but parted for them as if started going down into the earth, sweltering heat that took like home swallowing them. 


            sorry darling ,      I’ve never     quite trusted rulers of    hell .     it’s / nothing / personal .        [         the coldness of     her hues    deepened the more he spoke   ,     her tone drawling     as she tilted her head to the side .    her jaw would tick slightly    at his refusal to place his      name on the contract    .    she should have known he would never .      but she      wouldn’t do all this       for nothing .    the hybrid would      wet her bottom lip ,     a brief flash       of conflict within her  in response to his comments       about why jack wasn’t there .     though soon ,     her sharp features would go blank ,   stating the devil      directly in the eyes ,    void of emotion .           ]         i     stole    dozens  of innocent    lives    without so    much as batting  an eyelid    .     he didn’t      agree      with     the     degree of violence I pursued     in     .      perhaps you were right .     he didn’t know       me as well as i thought .         I’m sure you     are     / pleased / .         [            jack’s absence     was not for this reason .      she had asked him not to come       ,      for the only reason to protect him .     but selene liked to      think she     knew her     enemy well by now .      he revelled  in pain , suffering .         if he     knew     that this     whole deal     would break     the couple apart ,     then perhaps he       would not question      it further .       eventually ,     she took     the step     onto the ferry     ,     chin raising as       she glanced over at him .        ]          let’s go .      we shouldn’t keep      those souls waiting .     where’s this contract    ? 