WUT HAPPENED TO MY BBY @-pureangel !?!!


@ cxmochaaa  she's taking a break to focus on the family problems she had. She'll come back.


@-sensualstyles I Thought Wattpad Was Tripping At First


hi! sorry to be a bother but would you mind checking out my story “george”? the story is a romance/murder mystery, and can be considered a harry styles fan-fiction, depending on the reader. it’s my first time publishing to wattpad and i would love feedback and criticism, constructive or otherwise :-)
          thank you for taking the time to read this message. have a lovely day!


WUT HAPPENED TO MY BBY @-pureangel !?!!


@ cxmochaaa  she's taking a break to focus on the family problems she had. She'll come back.


@-sensualstyles I Thought Wattpad Was Tripping At First


a couple of months ago, before @-dirtyglitters made that account and before i made this one, we bonded over our love for michael jackson and she literally wrote the best books ever and really quickly our friendship grew and then she introduced me to harry and lana .. and i can truly say she’s my best friend .. when we facetimed for the first time, everything was so hilarious and it felt as if we’d known eachother for years .. we’ve made plans to fly over and meet one another and i really love her with all my heart .. devon is the best thing that’s ever happened to me .. we’re so alike in so many ways and i honestly thank God that he allowed me to comment on her book for the first time, which sparked our friendship .. devon is the best listener and the best advice giver .. she’s literally put her feelings aside multiple times to ask how im doing and i can’t thank her enough for that 




@cxmochaaa lmk when you find one cause a sis is in need


@-harryswhore  All I Need Is A Sugar Daddy And I'm All Set


I Have A Fear That Everyone I Care About Is Gonna Stop Talking To Me And That I’m Gonna Be Alone Forever 


@cxmochaaa I- sus I'm really not but thank you, you are as well!


@-PRADA-  Gosh You’re So Amazing


@cxmochaaa i'm sorry, but you know. we're always open