tth3r3s tthis r3ally nic3 systt3m nd,,,tth3y said a r3ally nic3 tthing but>t idk how tto r3spond !!!!!
[TR: theres this really nice system nd,,,they said a really nice thing but idk how to respond !!!!!]
im gonna f33l bad for nott r3sponding tto tth3m but>t idk whatt tto say back :sad:
iv3 n3v3r gott3n nic3 m3ssag3s from sttrang3rs b3for3, l3tt alon3 adultts outtsid3 our systt3m !!
[TR: im gonna feel bad for not responding to them but idk what to say back .
ive never gotten nice messages from strangers before, let alone adults from outside our system !!]