
So uhm.
          	Sorry for not being on.
          	Recently my school has taken my Phone so the only way I can communicate is with my laptop which I’m not allowed on much.
          	I’m not allowed to get it back until the session ends, which is end of June.
          	Sorry y’all gotta wait for my posts a bit! :,(


@BuckyandSteve1940 yeah I'm so glad I'm moving tho and out of washington


@BuckyandSteve1940 yeah and even the principal made everyone put their phone's in the phone jail even the kids that don't be on there phones a lot ( which I'm one of them cause want to put my money's worth of education) but when my mom got a call from the school  saying I refused to give my phone to them ( which was true cause I wasn't on my phone cause I was trying to pay attention in class) and my mom gave them the " are you the parent and did you pay for this phone?" talk and she gave them a piece of her mind saying it was stupid to punish me as well when I was paying attention in class and that they were stopping it cause I told them calmly no and kept my phone in my bag and let me tell you she told the principal if they did another stunt like that she would take me out of high school and make sure to sue them for wasting her and my time of education cause of their ingorenets soooo yeah never had that problem again and I still went there and finally graduated and my college found out what that high school did they were more ticked off then my mom was


So uhm.
          Sorry for not being on.
          Recently my school has taken my Phone so the only way I can communicate is with my laptop which I’m not allowed on much.
          I’m not allowed to get it back until the session ends, which is end of June.
          Sorry y’all gotta wait for my posts a bit! :,(


@BuckyandSteve1940 yeah I'm so glad I'm moving tho and out of washington


@BuckyandSteve1940 yeah and even the principal made everyone put their phone's in the phone jail even the kids that don't be on there phones a lot ( which I'm one of them cause want to put my money's worth of education) but when my mom got a call from the school  saying I refused to give my phone to them ( which was true cause I wasn't on my phone cause I was trying to pay attention in class) and my mom gave them the " are you the parent and did you pay for this phone?" talk and she gave them a piece of her mind saying it was stupid to punish me as well when I was paying attention in class and that they were stopping it cause I told them calmly no and kept my phone in my bag and let me tell you she told the principal if they did another stunt like that she would take me out of high school and make sure to sue them for wasting her and my time of education cause of their ingorenets soooo yeah never had that problem again and I still went there and finally graduated and my college found out what that high school did they were more ticked off then my mom was


this message may be offensive
Woke up, first thing I wanted to see is sun and moon tiktoks
          Holy shit why are y’all so THIRSTY FOR A SUN GUY AND MOON DUDE-
          Like I just wanna see Sun and moon be genuinely crack headed and having fun but I CANG HAVE THAT APPARENTLY 


ayo bestieeee >:]


@Ruvyzvat_ Oooo I’ll have to check tmr! It’s 1:34 am lol


            i added alot to my gacha book while you where gone :]


Guess who’s back :)
          *Wattpad Safari so not gonna answer dms for a bit*


Hey everyone! Just here to say it’s my birthday! Yeah I’m still not coming back yet, my exams are on January, so yeah!
          Have a good month and merry early Christmas!


Hey everyone! Yes I’m taking a break from wattpad, recently my mental health has gotten worse and I haven’t been concentrating on anything, so I may come back by end of December or January, but I might come sometimes and post announcements!
          Well— I guess I’ll see you guys soon. See you on the other side!


          See that? Yep I made a FNAF server! It was painful. I don’t know what I did. Anyways I barely have friends so be free to join and invite people! Pls-