wussup y'all i apologize for disappearing for a month. i was trying to balance second semester and finding a job. however, it seems the job situation won't work out until the summer, so i want to put more of my free time into writing again! i really miss it 
          	so look forward to some one shots as i reorganize my writing plans for 'unplugged' and my seungsung draft C:
          	happy valentines day <33333


wussup y'all i apologize for disappearing for a month. i was trying to balance second semester and finding a job. however, it seems the job situation won't work out until the summer, so i want to put more of my free time into writing again! i really miss it 
          so look forward to some one shots as i reorganize my writing plans for 'unplugged' and my seungsung draft C:
          happy valentines day <33333


my depression is too clinical for me to own clothes that can't be machine washed


anyway i'm betting U.S. congress will get to 15 votings before mccarthy actually gives up


currently running on five hours of sleep cause nightmares and i have a sMASHING headache


mental health has gone dOwn the drain lately, and it's mostly because of outside influence (social media, politics, etc.) 


i just binge read in four hours a queer webcomic a friend suggested and omgkskfks it was so good


will i write? will i pass out?? only time will tell—


but it's now 4 in the morning and i don't know what to do


when i become a famous author i won't forget my roots and i swear my published works will have kpop lyrics in them idgaf


currently listening to the moonrise album, after christmas i'm gonna waste money and get the cassette tape they're selling, i can no longer resist it


my major final exam is over with so i hope to publish to unplugged soon! i really miss writing for it


advisory making me pick my classes in the morning was a poor decision, i will now be in a stressed out mood all day—


i make it sound like college life is going great, but i actually just a little bit very much want to die—


also good news: i think i'm going to send in one of my original stories to my university literary magazine (!!)


good news though: if i have time i'm gonna sit down and finish a chapter for unplugged