
Don't know if I have permission to post this, but this is my official goodbye to this account. It's dead and has been dead for months, but I never got a proper goodbye. I loved this account with all my heart. I was introduced to now some of my favorite people. It served us well, and will be missed. Thank you, WaveClan. It was fun while it lasted.
          	-Ravendusk, @daisystar- 


@-WaveClan- aw ): understandable though. i haven't been on here in months. i loved it too


Don't know if I have permission to post this, but this is my official goodbye to this account. It's dead and has been dead for months, but I never got a proper goodbye. I loved this account with all my heart. I was introduced to now some of my favorite people. It served us well, and will be missed. Thank you, WaveClan. It was fun while it lasted.
          -Ravendusk, @daisystar- 


@-WaveClan- aw ): understandable though. i haven't been on here in months. i loved it too


hi guys !! founder here !! this account is officially dead . some of the works here are going to be moved to @-Famclan- , though , in case you want to head over there !! (the island will be coming back !!)
          out for now , you're friend ari !! :D
          ~ @-owlsight


aw okay! i’m so sorry i haven’t logged on in so long — my summer and right now is super busy


I 've updated the profile picture & background ! they 're both by me ^^
          ~ raven


@-WaveClan- So I missed a lot. There's another Raven now. OwO
            Oh also I love the new thingies. I am so late.


of course! teal /is/ my favorite color after all, hahah!


Apologies to everyone participating in our minigame, I’m going to be completely transparent: I actually forgot to put up the new page.
          It won’t happen again, I promise. Deeply sorry about this. The next riddle will be out on schedule 
          - Talon