“you look... better than before. and your hair is... clean.” She didn't venture back into the Unseelie Court often these days. But that didn't mean she still didn't have connections with certain people. At the sound of the voice that spoke up from the shadows, her eyes flickered up, a half scowl on her features as she caught sight of the other Sluagh. It wasn't unexpected to run into them here, for the Wild Hunt had ruled this Court since the beginning. What she hadn't been interested in was sticking around long enough for idle conversation. "I always tend to look good," she retorted, a touch of ice to be found in her words. "It's call a good glamour. Maybe you should try it if you're capable."

"That tends to happen when you have no glamour in place and you're intending on terrifying the humans half to death," she retorted sharply, ignoring the comment and leaving the scowl exactly where it was. "But I didn't come here to exchange words with you, Maire. I have business with another of this forsaken court and you're making me late."

@unforgivingsinner || "last time i saw you, you looked a a mess" she pointed out, watching the other girl, £and you dont exactly look good with that scowl on your face