
Finally Updating my book now lol . Should be able to read it in 10 min. Happy Valentine's Day everyone


Hey! I wanted to promote a new fanfiction that I started and I hope that's ok! It's about Ace from the Powerpuff Girls cartoon! I saw that you had some Cartoon Network things and thought you might like my fanfiction! I just started it though and I haven't written anything in a long time, so I hope that anyone who reads it likes it! 


You know I really think I'm lonely here and I just wanted to say that if you want to request a story for me to write then just ask me 
          P.S I'm so sorry for not writing my book I mean school has been so busy but I'll try do so this weekend cause its labor weekend
          Share Gif: https://media3.giphy.com/media/cjzkCDL3jZTZB6ki1B/200_d.gif?cid=5206ac2d71148f740f7803fc476567338e611d4ecdc8d2d0&rid=200_d.gif