
A stupid idea for a book....maybe
          	The tears of a Nymph were priceless, so much that anyone who possessed such an item was paid their weight in gold. Nymphs were sacred creatures that needed to be protected, guarded and worshiped, for they were the bringers of spring. Their hearts more importantly were to be guarded just as heavily as themselves. Never would a Nymph shed a tear til they gave their heart away. For better or for worse a Nymphs destiny fell into the hands of their beloved. 
          	As a deathbringer, your gaze was cold and your heart was to remain colder. Feeling little to nothing for no one, a deathbringer was to uphold their duties to the Gods, whether it be as soldiers, mercenaries, or generals in wars. Living up to their name, they brought death along with them, strong and brooding. To be born as a deathbringer meant your life would be full of riches but also enemies and of course possible death.
          	North was raised well by her mother and father, a brilliant Nymph with a talent for magic, her beauty dared to compare the one of The Goddess of Love herself. It's her last year in Olympia as a Senior, her future clear as the sun in the sky. Graduate and then work as a medic in the Capitol. That was until Cerberus launched an attack on Olympia, destroying everything in their path. Her world comes crashing down within minutes, and her future unsure only knowing her and a strange death bringer were supposed to stop the Underworld from swallowing Olympia and every other city as whole. 


A stupid idea for a book....maybe
          The tears of a Nymph were priceless, so much that anyone who possessed such an item was paid their weight in gold. Nymphs were sacred creatures that needed to be protected, guarded and worshiped, for they were the bringers of spring. Their hearts more importantly were to be guarded just as heavily as themselves. Never would a Nymph shed a tear til they gave their heart away. For better or for worse a Nymphs destiny fell into the hands of their beloved. 
          As a deathbringer, your gaze was cold and your heart was to remain colder. Feeling little to nothing for no one, a deathbringer was to uphold their duties to the Gods, whether it be as soldiers, mercenaries, or generals in wars. Living up to their name, they brought death along with them, strong and brooding. To be born as a deathbringer meant your life would be full of riches but also enemies and of course possible death.
          North was raised well by her mother and father, a brilliant Nymph with a talent for magic, her beauty dared to compare the one of The Goddess of Love herself. It's her last year in Olympia as a Senior, her future clear as the sun in the sky. Graduate and then work as a medic in the Capitol. That was until Cerberus launched an attack on Olympia, destroying everything in their path. Her world comes crashing down within minutes, and her future unsure only knowing her and a strange death bringer were supposed to stop the Underworld from swallowing Olympia and every other city as whole. 



Since it's been 2 years, I think I feel like I'm mostly out of loop for roleplays so if anyone wants to direct me to where any good roleplays are, it would be appreciated.


@-YumiBee- two long years honey lmao


it’s my first one in years 


just posted a new Harry Potter roleplay!