
Hey guys... sad to say I'm quitting Wattpad.
          	I think making stories are not for me, I mostly cringe at my stories... and I was so annoying back then... I really don't like making stories since I cringe at them and I hate reading my stories, I can only read the stories of others.
          	Thanks for being my friend in Wattpad but I'm quitting so there's no point of following me, and I'm sorry to keep your hopes up for my book "Just Her" I don't think I can write that story since I cringe however I change it.
          	You may say that my stories aren't cringy, but its my opinion, you can't change my opinion because I have control of myself.
          	Please don't force me not to quit because after 10 mins of uploading this, I'll delete my Wattpad app, you can still read my stories but you can't chat me because I'm not here.
          	I'm so sorry for my personality back then, it was so childish and annoying and I changed myself to be more matured and less annoying.
          	Thank you for being my friend here in Wattpad, but you can't chat me here, you can chat me in Messenger, if you know my account...
          	But sad to say that I will forever be gone... you can't bring me back.
          	Well goodbye everyone, have a nice day/afternoon/night knowing that I'm gone. Bye.


@Doomqwer Thanks and I hope you'll live a happy life, enjoy things and do whatever you want. (P.S I'm using a computer)


@-_-Mikan-_- You can only hope... sorry but I'm about to delete the app, thanks for forcing me to stay, I feel like you care about me, but I'm deleting this now.
          	  Thank you for the friendship and thanks for the effort of making me stay but I can't stay longer


          	  Okay.... Hopefully you'd go back to Wattpad again.


Heyaa it's me the previous owner of this acc "-_-Mikan-_-" and this is my new acc, this is where I post stories.
          I know this acc is bigger but I don't really like it cuz I was so childish and I had no idea what I was doing.
          So I appreciate if ya'll follow me on this acc since I changed my way of writing and I'm more inti dark stuff.
          I just wanna interact with ya'll anyways thank youuuuu.


Hey guys... sad to say I'm quitting Wattpad.
          I think making stories are not for me, I mostly cringe at my stories... and I was so annoying back then... I really don't like making stories since I cringe at them and I hate reading my stories, I can only read the stories of others.
          Thanks for being my friend in Wattpad but I'm quitting so there's no point of following me, and I'm sorry to keep your hopes up for my book "Just Her" I don't think I can write that story since I cringe however I change it.
          You may say that my stories aren't cringy, but its my opinion, you can't change my opinion because I have control of myself.
          Please don't force me not to quit because after 10 mins of uploading this, I'll delete my Wattpad app, you can still read my stories but you can't chat me because I'm not here.
          I'm so sorry for my personality back then, it was so childish and annoying and I changed myself to be more matured and less annoying.
          Thank you for being my friend here in Wattpad, but you can't chat me here, you can chat me in Messenger, if you know my account...
          But sad to say that I will forever be gone... you can't bring me back.
          Well goodbye everyone, have a nice day/afternoon/night knowing that I'm gone. Bye.


@Doomqwer Thanks and I hope you'll live a happy life, enjoy things and do whatever you want. (P.S I'm using a computer)


@-_-Mikan-_- You can only hope... sorry but I'm about to delete the app, thanks for forcing me to stay, I feel like you care about me, but I'm deleting this now.
            Thank you for the friendship and thanks for the effort of making me stay but I can't stay longer


            Okay.... Hopefully you'd go back to Wattpad again.


Edgar: hello friend


Edgar : wait actually do you know someone known as the ultimate nurse


Edgar: what’s going on


//First of all, I love how Nagito only says “Hope” XD. Second omg we are so much alike! Besides the age and name (I think I’m a year older than you, turning 15 this year, and my name is Christy), we have a lot in common! I’m a female, I LOVE Fairy Tail btw, I obviously love Danganronpa cuz of this account, I’m bisexual, your likes and dislikes are the same as mine, your personality is so similar to mine lmao. Idk, this one’s kinda irrelevant but I’m asain XD


@-_-Mikan-_-  //Yeah sure lol XD


@_Kokichi-Ouma_ Well maybe we could hang out together and get to know each other Christy.