
Just finished watching Encanto. And I loved it!
          	Now I can see why people love Bruno, he's hilariously adorable


@-_ANDY-_ yeah and after that, we might get a second movie with a villain that is very jealous and want to steal everyone's powers/gifts, think about it.


@sm14722 pfff- if that did happen I would watch it a million times


@-_ANDY-_ do you think Disney might make a short of Bruno trying to find a girlfriend?


Just finished watching Encanto. And I loved it!
          Now I can see why people love Bruno, he's hilariously adorable


@-_ANDY-_ yeah and after that, we might get a second movie with a villain that is very jealous and want to steal everyone's powers/gifts, think about it.


@sm14722 pfff- if that did happen I would watch it a million times


@-_ANDY-_ do you think Disney might make a short of Bruno trying to find a girlfriend?


And now the worse thing he did.
          And the more worse things he's done is make 'im gay' jokes and make fun of gay people. He he just assumes my sexuality, like 'oh you took this test so that means your bisexual!' did I ever say I was bisexual? No. Dose he assume that just because I like a female video game character? Yes. 


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Here's more since Wattpad messages can't handle a long vent.
          and the reason he steals my stuff? He says I'm not using it, so I'll take it. I've told him a million times to not steal my stuff, and yet he does it anyway and his mom and dad don't even try to tell him to leave my stuff here. And I hate the fact that he has his own phone, he just randomly calls me whenever and just sits in his chair and play videogames and not even talk! I wish I could destroy that phone...and the times he calls me I'm out doing something. And he doesn't even listen to me when I try to talk, he just interrupts me every time I talk! and get this, he's only 12. He's 12 years old and has his own phone. I got this phone when I was 14.I waited 14 years for a phone and he waited 12 years. He's not even responsible enough for his own phone! He throws it, downloads milliotif games and it makes his phone run slow as a fucking turtle. And he doesn't even delete any of the games, and he just takes stupid pictures of the stupidest things! Like he took a picture of a fucking glass of tea. And when he is over here he just jumps on my bed and knocks everything down onto my floor and connects his phone to my TV without even asking if he can! And he'll just put on videos that I don't even care about! And in the middle of the video he just change it. Even if it was something I WAS WATCHING!


@futurezseeker even if he did have a limit he wouldn't listen to his parents and they would just forget about it. I've told my mom about this and she would agree with me on that but the times she told his parents they did nothing to stop him.


@-_ANDY-_  I think he really needs to have a limit of playing his phone. Also I got my first phone when I was nine, but at least I had limits playing it and how many apps I can have. GAH I FEEL SO SORRY FOR YOU


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I am just so stressed out now. My cousin I specifically told him to not use my only working pen, and do you know what he did? He used the pen! All of the ink! Gone! And for what?! Some stupid anime writing?? And then he just messes up my room and doesn't even bother to help me clean up! And he just leaves his trash everywhere because in his words I'm a kid, I can do whatever I want. And his parents don't even tell him off! They just let him make a mess and his room? It's more messer than mine! And when I told his parents they only told him to clean his mess up. He didn't. And now I don't have any pens because that was my last one! Now I have to wait until we go to Walmart witch will possibly be next freaking week! And if I did beat him up, he would just go crying to his parents because they listen to whatever their 'precious little angel' says. I hate him so freaking much I've told him a million times to not steal my stuff, and yet he does it anyway and his mom and dad don't even try to tell him to leave my stuff here. And I hate the fact that he has his own phone, he just randomly calls me whenever and just sits in his chair and play videogames and not even talk! I wish I could destroy that phone...and the times he calls me I'm out doing something. And he doesn't even listen to me when I try to talk, he just interrupts me every time I talk! And get this, he's only 12. He's 12 years old and has his own phone. I got this phone when I was 14. I waited 14 years for a phone and he waited 12 years. He's not even responsible enough for his own phone! And he doesn't even delete any of the games, and he just takes stupid pictures of the stupidest things! Like he took a picture of a fucking glass of tea.




I just left Busch Gardens. I was there for seven hours..I had to park by the ticket booth and walked all the way to the tram stop, witch was faaaarrr.
          And I had to get on the third tram. They had to get FIVE TRAMS running because of how many people were there.


So I was talking with a friend on Tumbl about what we would do if we made a 3below part 3. They said Aja would be overcomed by a virus that turned her evil and she wants to go back in time when the universe was created and reset it to her liking. What I said if I made is was:
          Aja wakes up from a really bad dream where her, Krel Vex and everyone on Akiridion-5 are villains and General Morando and his side are good . Somehow the dream ends up being true, a rift happens and sucks the royals into the dimension where everyone who was good is evil and then they would have to team up with General Morando to stop the their villain selfs and get back to the correct timeline.
          What do you think?