this message may be offensive
I am just so stressed out now. My cousin I specifically told him to not use my only working pen, and do you know what he did? He used the pen! All of the ink! Gone! And for what?! Some stupid anime writing?? And then he just messes up my room and doesn't even bother to help me clean up! And he just leaves his trash everywhere because in his words I'm a kid, I can do whatever I want. And his parents don't even tell him off! They just let him make a mess and his room? It's more messer than mine! And when I told his parents they only told him to clean his mess up. He didn't. And now I don't have any pens because that was my last one! Now I have to wait until we go to Walmart witch will possibly be next freaking week! And if I did beat him up, he would just go crying to his parents because they listen to whatever their 'precious little angel' says. I hate him so freaking much I've told him a million times to not steal my stuff, and yet he does it anyway and his mom and dad don't even try to tell him to leave my stuff here. And I hate the fact that he has his own phone, he just randomly calls me whenever and just sits in his chair and play videogames and not even talk! I wish I could destroy that phone...and the times he calls me I'm out doing something. And he doesn't even listen to me when I try to talk, he just interrupts me every time I talk! And get this, he's only 12. He's 12 years old and has his own phone. I got this phone when I was 14. I waited 14 years for a phone and he waited 12 years. He's not even responsible enough for his own phone! And he doesn't even delete any of the games, and he just takes stupid pictures of the stupidest things! Like he took a picture of a fucking glass of tea.