
Yo for any of my moots who still want to remain in contact feel free to shoot me a dm!! I'll check back in a while!


“Yoo hoo... looking for me~” the brunette grinned as he stood in the summoning circle,”what do you want from lil old me?” His voice was almost a purr as he stood, looking hotter, stronger and a little more evil 


@satinic- he steps back increasing his arms. One hand resting by his side watching the demon silently. 
            //move to dms?


“Let me talk to my supervisor, I think I can do that. I dunno...... you’re pretty though, I’d like to have your soul.”


@satinic- "fine. IF you bring my wife Heather back I, Athur Lee Harris. Promise' ya my immortal soul or whatever" he says.


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/ you horny fuck.
          "funny how you thought you could run away~"


@-fangedgrins the detective grabs his wrist gripping tightly and he slams his knee into his chest. He needed to get out of here. Now.


            "Oh you wish you can" he teased, stepping closer and pressing the blade to his throat. "don't make this difficult." 


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@-fangedgrins he narrows his eyes his gaze locking on the dagger. "Fuck. You" he spits. There's no way he would just lay down and die.