
Sir Pentious' right dick, the one that points north! Who needs a compass nowadays when you have sir pentious


{ @4PPL3R4D10S @Serial-Manor_N @-_Janny-_}  you put the cum in the puss: Cumpuss  (compass)




Sir Pentious' right dick, the one that points north! Who needs a compass nowadays when you have sir pentious


{ @4PPL3R4D10S @Serial-Manor_N @-_Janny-_}  you put the cum in the puss: Cumpuss  (compass)




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Every day, im just getting humiliated for my body shape and my face structure, its getting annoying as im too young for this and i already dread going back to school, i just wish i never existed, i just wanna be skinny but i can't and its getting annoying, im sick of being sexualized for stupid things at school such as wearing skirts or yawning, these fucking bitches think its funny, im not living happy as i used to, i feel if anyone takes a look at my weight they would throw up immediately and think im disgusting, ive already attempted to starve myself a lot before and its not working and i just wanna live freely wearing what i wanna wear but thats just a dream and im sick of crying for this and comforting myself and trying to make things ok. i never feel safe at school or home and ive felt like this for too long now.. I feel everyone is better than me, I feel everyone judging me, I feel the screaming of my friends voice, shouting that i deserve to die and I feel im going insane.. this is getting too hard for me i hate seeing everyone else being so normal when my autistic ass isnt. I've been called fat for too long, for years, by the same fucking people and i hate it, i just wanna die and rot, i know hell doesn't exist but it it did i would be the first to burn there.. this app is the place i only joined not long ago and i think its the only place i can be in without bullies. i just want to fucking die and i bet nobody would ever miss me. THIS IS UNBEARABLE


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@-_Janny-_ Hey you don't deserve to be made fun of and sexualized for just existing and Being a human. You don't need to change your apearance just because some dumb ass bitches think you're fat/ugly/whatever lie that they say about you. You are so strong and brave for going through all of this and I know that you're a creative, funny and a beautiful person on the inside and the outside(if you don't belive me I'll litearly bet on my life that you're prettier than those shitty ass bitches that think that they're better than you) and I want to let you know that I'm so fucking proud of you for being so strong and brave and I know that it probably doesn't matter to you that much 'cause I'm just a stranger to you but please listen to me 'cause I'm only telling you the truth<3


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@-_Janny-_ Hey, let me tell you something. I know that you're probably tired of hearing that 'EvErYtHiNg GeTs BeTtEr' but it really does. I compleatly understand you since I am a recovering anorexic, I'm currently going to therapy because I have depression and anxiety and a close friend of mine rectantly commited suicide so yeah like ik that life is shit and all but I'm doing BeTtEr' and I know that you'll also get better <3
            (If you ever wanna vent you can talk to me and if you want I won't even respond If you don't want me to just tell me beforehand)


@-_Janny-_ In school, kids are always trying to seem cool by harassing others to gain popularity. It can seem basically impossible to have a good social relationship with how society behaves today. You don't deserve to be body shamed, you don't deserve to be sexualized, and you shouldn't be forced into the mindset that you should starve yourself just to seem pretty. I have seen it myself, no matter what you look like or how you behave, people will make their own way to bully you. Even if you never believe it, you as yourself are perfect. From what I've seen, you're funny and creative and that's what people look for in friends. You are gonna do something big someday. 