
((Been a while, just wanted to say I’m okay. Life’s been throwing me for a loop and it’s hard but I’m managing. Not sure if I’m gonna be on here much but I might try to be. Though I’m Still very mad about them getting rid of pms, and now I feel very.. forced out in the open as now boards and comments are the only place to talk to people and there’s nowhere to talk about more personal things that I don’t want everyone to know about. It feels like Wattpad is taking itself too seriously, when this is a place so many people connected with others.
          	Anyway sorry for the rant hope everyone’s doin alright


so crane was loose again .   always a fun time , not .   jason sighed , looking down at the city below .   now if he was crane where would he -   he snapped out of his thoughts , hearing a noise and jumping down into the alleyway below .   what he found didn't exactly make him happy .   someone who's so obviously been hit by fear toxin .   " hey , can you hear me ? "   he knew it was a little hard to get through to people because of the toxin .


Also sorry that it’s kinda long lmao


            I deleted my response halfway through making it -_-
            Also, was wondering if you would be okay with me having your discord??? Might be easier to remember to reply there lol, if not that’s okay of course!!
            The girl had just fumbled out of a building in which the gas had been released in, basically tripping down the three short stairs and falling on her ass, the weighted metal door banging loudly as it slammed shut. Her eyes were wide holding a shell shocked look, she fumbled backward in the alley as she saw someone land in front of her, letting out a loud scream, her long hair in two braids, laying against the dirty alleyway ground and getting a bit tangled in her legs as she scooted backward. “No, no no please n-not again! Stay back, s-stay away!” She yelled, as of course, it wasn’t him she was seeing, the way her hair wrapped around her legs didn’t help, shifting them to try to kick whatever it was off of her, though she wasn’t very successful, her body shook heavily, she clenched her hands into fists so hard that her knuckles were white, though she held them close to her, almost as an unthreatening protective measure to keep herself safe. She wore 2 inch heeled boots, tight black ripped jeans, and a black cropped top with a leather jacket, unzipped.


Do you happen to have Discord? I really want to do a very violent Wild Kratts roleplay but everyone seems to be on Australian time which is making roleplay extremely difficult.


And I’m sorry that happened, thats horrible. 


            Sorry no I’ve never heard of that one


@-_Merciless_Merc_- what about Wings of Fire? Im just…I wanna do something. I’ve lost three family members in the last week and I just want a good happy distraction.


((Been a while, just wanted to say I’m okay. Life’s been throwing me for a loop and it’s hard but I’m managing. Not sure if I’m gonna be on here much but I might try to be. Though I’m Still very mad about them getting rid of pms, and now I feel very.. forced out in the open as now boards and comments are the only place to talk to people and there’s nowhere to talk about more personal things that I don’t want everyone to know about. It feels like Wattpad is taking itself too seriously, when this is a place so many people connected with others.
          Anyway sorry for the rant hope everyone’s doin alright


((Guess until further notice if anyone wants my discord or wants to give me theirs, I’ll try to bring rps over there but it’s gonna be weird cause I’m not use to it.
          Be aware I am a little bit selective with who I give it to, please don’t get upset with me if I’m not comfortable with you having it for some reason, but just know there’s no harm in asking!


Want me to dm my discord name?


          The private message feature should not be removed, it is an integral part of the app that many people use for many reasons. Many people prefer it to the message board, removing them is just a way to make the app even worse than it already is, and will probably cause more people to leave. Why would you remove something that every other app has, something that a lot of people use and something that makes it easier to connect with people and actually have friendships, or talk to people about things you’d rather not be public knowledge, it is the destruction of the heart and soul in your app.
          Copy and paste if you agree


            Oof well hopefully they won’t cause that means they’d have to do that with everyone that posts/tags them about it


Because they're assholes


~>  here we go also @-_Scum_Huntsman_-
          it had been one of the few times that lyra felt both comfortable and alert enough to sit on the roof of one of the highest buildings in pentagram city and play her songs .  she brought an acoustic guitar instead of the electric bass she usually played while out and gently strummed .  the people in the building would have heard it if there were any ,  but it was clearly an office building and was empty at night .  the fallen angel made her way through the song ,  focusing less on technique but on the tone and quality of the notes she played .  it was a beautiful sound ,  one that seemed to only be heard by her ears until she noticed something out of the corner of her eye .  lyra kept strumming but didn't face it entirely ,  but then noticed what it was .  a black cat had somehow come up to the roof .  once she finished the song ,  she strapped her guitar to her back and quietly stepped towards it ,  kneeling down a few feet away .  "  you poor darling ,  what are you doing all the way up here ?  do you need some help down ? "


            lyra was no stranger to intrusive flashbacks like the ones lillian seemed to experience .  ever since she had gotten to hell ,  more and more flashbacks of her life had occurred ,  so she understood if she needed a moment to process the thoughts that came with some things .  music didn't seem to trigger it so that was what the fallen angel decided she would focus on for the time being .  she looked at the guitar and then to the one lillian was holding .  "  a lot of those guitars and the electric ones have steel or nickel strings .  this one has nylon ,  "  she told her and strummed a chord on the instrument to show the softer sound that it had .  then ,  she adjusted her fingers and played through a couple more chords ,  eventually ending on the one she'd started on .


            Of course! ^_^ I’m glad 
            The blonde took in a deep breath after such a flash, hand moving to lift the water bottle to her lips, drinking some of it before putting it back down and clearing her throat, things sort of still sounded fuzzy, like it had after the bomb had gone off, it was so loud that it had caused ringing in her ears, though she could still make out what was said,  smelly nodding in reply before taking in another breath. ‘You’re not there… you’re not there… you’re not there…’ was a repeating mantra in her head. Watching her motions she tilted her head slightly, her hearing losing the horrid ringing that seemed to gather in her ears moments before. “Oh- uh, yeah, yeah only Acoustic and Electric”  she’d responded with a slight hum, keeping hold of the instrument, carefully and securely.


            ~>  thanks for the tag !! definitely helped me find it lol
            the blonde nodded at the response she gave and hummed .  they did things like that when she was younger too ,  having sheet music for popular songs .  she remembered not being able to read sheet music for a long time ,  only imitating songs that played on the broken radio while she lived in georgia .  it was only when she moved to new york city and began to pay back her family's debt that she became more educated .  though when she seemed to stare off for a moment ,  she raised her brow in a bit of concern .  but she didn't say anything .  she of all people knew how important it was to give a person their space when they were deep in thought like this .  with time ,  she knew she'd eventually come back to reality .  at the apology ,  lyra shook her head and waved it off .  that wasn't a big deal to her at all .  "  hey ,  no problem ,  "  she assured her and thought for a moment before taking out the guitar she had before .  "  have you played a guitar like this before ?  or only those and . .  i assume electric ?  "  she asked out of curiosity .  maybe if they got to talking more about music it would distract her from those thoughts .


((Hey I know it’s been ages since I’ve been on here, had low muse for most of my characters, switched some of my accounts to see if i could gain some muse.
          Go follow if you aren’t already!
          The wolf among us game Oc AND Bigby wolf the sheriff
          Angel Dust from Hazbin hotel!


((Sorry for the amount of low muse I’ve had for basically all my accounts.
          Made another one hoping it could revive a bit of muse.
          Skyrim anon