
Oh yikes, hi! I’ve spent the last few months on AO3, very nice cool website, but alas, I’m back here again. 
          	I hope everyone is doing well!!  :)


GUYS I started watching ✨anime✨ which is a complete surprise because I used to think it’s cringe but uhhh ✌️
          also feel free to drop recommendations, ya know?? ;)


@-_Rynxx_- you should try ereaed it's a fun short anime that you can start with


ooooooo bungo stray dogs is one of my favorites


hii, thank you for voting and commenting on my story (EUPHORIA)!!<3  your activity on my lame story that was written two years ago, literally made my day.
          anyways, i see you're a fan of star wars, so may the force be with you<33


also i love your profile picture of Obi-Wan Kenobi (if it's him), it's really cutee


Life is not the wave rn .-.
          But anyway.
          I really do want to start writing but don't know where to start. Suggestions??


@X_bellator_x Ohmygod thank you! I usually keep a lil notebook with me all the time to write down anything that comes to mind, I should take that outside and go from there hopefully!! :)


@X_bellator_x What I do when I don't know where to start writing is one of three things; I might go outside and sit in a peaceful area and imagine my story taking place around me, like how my characters would react to the dragonflies flying around or the muddy puddles left by a retreating storm. I might light a few candles and turn off all the lights in my house to have a quiet space to think over some ideas for my story. My last tactic is discovering new songs to imagine trailers for my stories to, which actually helps a lot more than it might sound like.
            I don't know if this is what you were asking for, but I hope it helped a little!