
so what do you guys think about making a "tips for passing safely and efficiently" book? i definitely know i could have used one when i first started my transition, because there is a lot of dangerous/incorrect transition info online. plus, i think some ftm people would appreciate ways to bind/pack and other things without having to buy the expensive real thing. especially towards kids living in transphobic homes whose caretakers won't let them buy packers/binders or won't supply them with the money to do so. what do yall think?


          	  It’s no problem! ~ Logan


@_CrownsBreak_ all done! feel free to add on to the chapter i just put up. sorry for taking so long, i have trouble with speed-writing.


@-_TRANSformers_- awesome! ill add my information as soon as you finish!


((Hello! I was just wondering, is this account friendly for bigenders, too? I am bigender, but I originally thought I was ftm, cause I am a boy most of the time than my original gender. (My parents hate me for it and refuse to use my new name and pronouns... and they aren't even transphobic) Infact, even now most of my gender orientation for my bigenderism is male. I was just curious.


so what do you guys think about making a "tips for passing safely and efficiently" book? i definitely know i could have used one when i first started my transition, because there is a lot of dangerous/incorrect transition info online. plus, i think some ftm people would appreciate ways to bind/pack and other things without having to buy the expensive real thing. especially towards kids living in transphobic homes whose caretakers won't let them buy packers/binders or won't supply them with the money to do so. what do yall think?


            It’s no problem! ~ Logan


@_CrownsBreak_ all done! feel free to add on to the chapter i just put up. sorry for taking so long, i have trouble with speed-writing.


@-_TRANSformers_- awesome! ill add my information as soon as you finish!


@_CrownsBreak_ , @OutOfThisWorldTrans , is it ok if i put the TRANSformers logo in? i also found a few backgrounds for which i'll make a private book so we can view them and decide.


@OutOfThisWorldTrans i'll pm you the password. if it doesn't work you can pm me what you want it to say and i'll copy-paste it in for ya!


@green-x-blue This logo looks fantatstic!


Hey wassup Trans kids! You guys are looking good! Love the name!
          -Hailey, representative of Ace group


            You're welcome!!


Nothing much! Thank you, guys! 
            ~ Logan