this message may be offensive
Bout to say fuck my life for good. If anyone wants to bitch at me...I won't listen to you. Just one more thing and I'll be gone. I can't take it anymore. My family is screwed up, and all of my friend's lives are fucked up too. Don't come to me crying your ass off if you're being hit on by a boy don't like. Come to me if you feel like people are pushing you away, come to me if your being sexually abused. I know what it all feels like. Even if I am only in my preteens, I know alot that I'm not supposed to. Don't be scared to tell me about something. I ain't any spouled bitch. I'm a tom boy female that went through depression for a long time. I still am. Don't be a bitch. Be a good angel who helps demons up into the earth.